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See you over on BlueSky instead of here Independent Defense Analysis, Unconventional Naval Warfare, author, submarines, OSINT, illustrations. Mostly typos

Apr 28, 2023, 8 tweets



Slowly information is coming out about the #Russian Navy ships operating around #NordStream before the attacks. E.g. dr.dk/nyheder/senest…

The presence of SS-750 with a DSRV submersible is **highly suspicious**


Danish/Swedish/Norwegian and Finnish investigative journalists have been researching this for months, unearthed a lot of as-yet unpublished info.

Highly recommend the Shadow Wars tv documentaries airing right now, seek these out.
Example (chrome can translate subtitles)


Caveat, I play a small part in those documentaries.

But that’s not why I am promoting them, they really are worth watching for hybrid warfare, espionage and seabed warfare etc

Next episode surely will be Nord Stream. Expect new info

Chair too comfy…

The ‘submarine rescue ship’ SS-750 and its DSRV (deep submergence rescue vessel) are ideal for seabed warfare operations. It’s basically a crewed submersible with manipulator arms.

ROVs. /UUVs (underwater robots) also may have played a role

Yes the Priz is brightly painted, but still ideal for covert missions

As demonstrated by how it’s taken over 6 months for this info to get attention

Fortunately quality journalists + elite OSINT people have been on this

Nod to @OAlexanderDK and I am sure others who, independently, has been zeroing in on the same info re suspicious Russian Navy activity

Hopefully the people who were so willing to believe earlier conspiracy theories will reflect on these revelations.

I suspect not.

What elaborate excuses will be made to explain the Russian activity?


So in short, these latest revelations are important.

Arguing that Russia was not directly involved in the Nord Stream attacks will now have to build highly silly explanations

Or said another way, it is **Highly likely** that Russia did it

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