Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Apr 28, 2023, 9 tweets

Let's have a good old fashioned Mask Conference rater!

I haven't done one in quite a while, but since @RWalensky is killing the map?

Send me your best photos/videos of the nation's best (at infecting the nation).

While Walensky is a political employee? Not one fought for


To start? The CDC letting us know that "Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers investigate and respond to disease outbreaks and other #PublicHealth threats. "


They said not to call it an outbreak regarding their own outbreak.


I wonder where we can find a definition of outbreak, @CDCMMWR ?

Two or more patients with COVID-19 are discovered to be linked. Like at a conference of Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers.


Not a strong start for #CDCEIS23.

Not one respirator to be seen. 0/10.

But transmission? Could be 8/8! @friendlycovid19 - what say you?

Ooo. Another bad score on the old respirator transmission prevention scale. 0/10.

Transmission? 4/4!

Oho! 22/22 on the transmission scale. Which, of course, is a 0/0 on the respirator scale.

It really is too bad that Covid is not over.

But we got to see those CDC smiles! Nothing like seeing the bright white of victorious smiles.

As a matter of fact, there was only one. ONE respirator.

That's a failing ZERO out of TEN for the group that's supposed to parachute in and save us.

They couldn't save themselves if they tried.

Might as well go buy Vitamin D from Mercola as pay attention to @RWalensky.

@LaSeletzky got this picture of them at dinner.

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