To start? The CDC letting us know that "Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers investigate and respond to disease outbreaks and other #PublicHealth threats. "
Thank you very much, Dr. Stone for laying out this 20 hour meeting so very clearly and concisely!
The HICPAC voted to deny HCWs N95s, deny ALL the protection of universal source control, and have HCW illness time to be so short as to be GUARANTEED to bring more LongCovid.
I have my head so far up the governmental cow's butt on this one, I think I am uniquely qualified to answer on the difference between Biden and Trump on H5N1.
Biden's USDA is still denying airborne, and is still not telling the Spanish-speaking dairy workers that it is airborne. Or to wear an N95.
Biden's CDC is running Spanish ads on the radio and Facebook. Offering testing. Workers still not trusting the CDC.
Trump will get the CDC to continue to offer free testing clinics - and arrest the workers when they come in.
Nobody will want to milk or take care of the cows. They will continue to get sick, but really die without the intensive care they actually need with H5N1.
There is a group called the HICPAC that tells the CDC what they should do regarding whether or not the guy with bright pink eyes in the bed next to you is wearing an N95 or not.
Whether your doctor comes back from Bermuda with
Covid - and either wears an N95 when he sees you or not.
Whether the hospital gives you attitude about your N95 - or joins you in wearing an N95.
They are going to vote today to say that Surgical Masks are Respiratory Protective Equipment - which is a lie. Per NIOSH/ OSHA.
What can you do?
Read this thread and then call the Inspector General’s office is very receptive. The direct phone number is 202-619-3148. Tell them the HICPAC did what is in that thread, and about them ignoring all airborne evidence.