Naftali Kaminski Profile picture
First Generation Physician-Scientist, & many other things. This account is Private - opinions and tweets do not represent any of the organizations I work with.

Apr 30, 2023, 17 tweets

Attn @PresidentATS @CHESTPrez, @SCCMPresident - societies that hold conferences in states unsafe for women, LGBTQ, minorities, will lose them.
This👇🏼is already happening!
The following thread is inspired by
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Prof Jamieson for courage & leadership #ConferenceLocation🧵

When I posted my 11 tweets about going to national/international conferences in locations that have draconian #AbortionBans, I thought this was temporary, that societies, while having past commitments, will recognize this as an issue and change future locations. I was wrong

Societies keep scheduling #ConferencLocations with draconian #AbortionBans, anti #LGBTQ laws, as @GordonConf does. Even beloved @atscommunity plans to. This is putting members at a bind: To go & risk moral or physical injury or to not go & risk your career

I’ve heard some friends in positions of leadership, in some societies, rationalize why the need to keep doing it. All of their claims have been debunked by 2 papers… and… summarized perfectly by @KelaYub…

I understand that societies have contractual limitations & financial constrains. I think they are underestimating the damage; the loss of trust, moral & ethical standing, the undermining of diversity efforts, the harm to membership. Also it is a threat to the societies. Why?

Holding a conference in Florida or Texas could be a huge financial risk. There are now 3 travel advisories for Florida from major civil rights & equity group. This could ⬇️ attendance both nationally & internationally which could be disastrous.
The travel advisories are:

Equity Florida, the largest LGBTQ organization in Florida just issued a travel advisory “warning of the risks posed to the health, safety, and freedom of those considering short or long term travel, or relocation to the state”…

Florida Immigrant Coalition issued a similar travel advisory because of unconstitutional legislation. citing racial profiling and risks of false arrest. searches for minorities even if naturalized

The NAACP Florida State Conference issued a recommendation for a travel advisory to the NAACP board of directors. If the national board accepts it - would any of us be willing to visit Florida?…

9/n these travel advisories, are, I think a game changer. Would anybody in their right mind encourage an early career or trainee that belongs to at risk identities (women, LGBTQ, minority) to submit an abstract, knowing it’s unsafe for them to go?

And things are getting worst in Florida a bill would allow doctors, health insurance companies to deny care to anyone based on moral, ethical, religious issues targeting women, people of color, LGBTQ (I’m a Jew, I know where this is going)…

So what do we do? I guess if you reached this point in 🧵 - you can guess what I think. Societies should not hold conferences in locations with policies that discriminate against or put at risk a subset of their membership because of their religion, race, gender. But how?

11/n Most important - Do NOT give up too early: Professional Societies are the sum of its members. Society leaders may look determined - but truth is they know, that holding conferences in unsafe locations is wrong. Most are great people, that’s how they got to be leaders, I know

The problem is their role, the perception that they are defending the society by compromising on morals, ethics, safety, inclusion & diversity.
Membership can counter that, support them to do the right thing. The first thing is to request a joint action of all societies

Therefore I call on @CHESTPrez @PresidentATS @SCCMPresident to adopt the principled outlined
6 weeks ago by our #MedEd leaders, @APCCMPD and act together to implement them. What they should do

They should create a joint task force of @atscommunity @SCCM @accpchest @PCCSMChiefs @APCCMPD with representative for communities at risk, women, LGBTQ, minorities, early career, others, find ways to do the right thing, instead of finding excuses why not to do it. Simple

I wrote this 🧵 because I love our professional societies, I served, sponsored, fundraised, also I know, appreciate & love the staff, members & leaders. Therefore, I call on all, let’s find a way do the right thing. It’s doable. I’m here to help

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