Julio Mayol Profile picture
Prof. Surgery - Scientific director at @IIS_IdISSC @iclinicomadrid @unicomplutense; BJS Foundation @BJSurgery @BJSAcademy; @ASGBI; @SurgJournal Editor.

May 1, 2023, 8 tweets

The following thread about surgeons and social media has been written by #GPT4 to answer the following prompt:

"Can you write a text on why social media is important for surgeons, how they can use it and, what actions should be taken?

#SoMe is important for surgeons because it allows them to:
1. Share their expertise and knowledge with other professionals and the public
2. Build their reputation and credibility as leaders in their field

3. Engage with their patients and potential patients in a more personal and interactive way
4. Learn from the feedback and experiences of other surgeons and patients
5. Stay updated on the latest developments and innovations in surgery

Surgeons can use #SoMe platforms such as:
1. Twitter: to post short updates, links, images, videos, and podcasts related to surgery
2. LinkedIn: to showcase their professional profile, achievements, publications, and network with other surgeons and organizations

3. Facebook: to create a page or a group for their practice, where they can share information, events, testimonials, and reviews
4. Instagram: to share photos and videos of their work, behind-the-scenes, and personal stories

5. YouTube: to upload educational and informative videos about surgery, procedures, techniques, and tips

Surgeons should take the following actions when using #SoMe:
1. Follow the ethical and legal guidelines of their profession and their institution
2. Protect the privacy and confidentiality of their patients and colleagues
3. Avoid making false or misleading claims or endorsements

4. Maintain a respectful and professional tone and attitude
5. Monitor and respond to comments and messages in a timely manner
6. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of their #SoMe presence

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