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May 2, 2023, 13 tweets

Following smart money can turn you into a #crypto pro 💰

This whale has a portfolio worth $133 million in crypto holdings

Here's what we can learn from this millionaire 🧵 ↓

( and some NFTs for those who are interested)

Quick notes.

Let's dive into his holdings and see what he currently holds.

• The most held coin in his portfolio I'll assume is the most bullish project
• this thread will highlight how much he hold in each project
• We will also take a look at his transaction behaviour

In this thread, I'll be using @zerion to analyze his holdings.

I use @lookonchain & @ArkhamIntel to find whales like these.

At the end of this thread, you can find the whale's wallet in case you want to track him yourself.

let's dive in...

This whale is clearly an #ETH maxi.

first holding: $ETH

- Received $ETH accumulation range is around $1,334 - $1,875
- 27,013 $ETH worth $15,145,975.

PnL: +$774,467.05

Second on the list is $RPL a #LSD emerging player.

- A lot of his accumulation happened around the $10 - $19 area.
- currently holding 930,259 $RPL
- Average Cost: $29.27


He holds both 861k $USDC and $DAI 243k so I'll skip this.

But this shows he has more confidence in $USDC and $DAI over $USDT 🤔

Anyways $SNX is the next big holding in his portfolio.

- Received $SNX around $0 - $14.62
- holding 29,974.736 $SNX worth $72,682

He also has some low cap holdings. let's take a look at 2 i have found:


Not the best trades IMO

Here are trades I think he may have completely sold off and move on from

It may be a sign that, these projects have lost traction or he personally doesn't have interest in them anymore.

Who knows 🤷‍♂️


I don't normally check for NFT's but it does play a big part of one's portfolio.

Buying blue chips could be very profitable. Let's take a look of the #NFTs he's bullish on


Nous NFT with each nft valued at 30 $ETH

- He owns about 120 ETH with Nous.
- Worth $226,524

Overall he has an interesting portfolio. I like how he takes profits of old projects and moves on to new one with strong narratives backing them.

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And that's it!

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Here is his wallet in case you want to track it:


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