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May 5, 2023, 22 tweets


Dr Burkhardt's team published more autopsy data on COVID πŸ’‰ patients confirming lymphocytes in every organ; which means it's a good time to revisit this little gem of a paper, with many highly predictive statements about the LNPs in the
#WarpedSpeed πŸ’‰>

Before we start it's interesting to note the paper is from a team at Thomas Jefferson University.
The same 🏫 which forced their president to publicly apologize for liking @AlexBerenson's tweets questioning the safety and efficiency of the πŸ’‰s.

The research looked at data showing the highly inflammatory nature of the lipid nanoparticles when tested in 🐁, injected into the muscle, and intranasally. >

Remember this fact about the PEG.
We'll come back to it later in the context of the #StringOfPearls 🧡
The last line is a hoot.
"However the potential inflammatory nature of these LNPs was NOT assessed."
Who has time for petty details when moving at the SPEED OF SCIENCEℒ️? >

They injected saline (PBS) vs the LNPs in the skin and the muscle and found:

In both skin and muscle the LNPs quickly provoke an inflammatory reaction, below the skin on the right gets noticeably red. >

The far right is the inflamed muscle cell. >

They noticed an interesting effect >

Massive inflammation and increased weight in the muscle.
If the LNPs were to go off-target and circulate widely in the body, is there another muscle πŸ’— which might be affected? >

Thousands of genes were upregulated. >

"...we show that LNPs, alone or complexed with control noncoding poly-cytosine mRNA, are highly inflammatory in 🐁, likely through the engagement and activation of various distinct and convergent inflammatory pathways." >

Next, they inoculated the mice intranasally and found similar striking results. >

The LNPs made it look like the mice were chain smokers. >

The higher the amount of LNPs, the quicker the death. >

On the left is saline injected mouse lung. On the right is the LNP-injected mouse lung, an image which may be somewhat familiar to followers of Dr. Burkhardt. >

Follow the dotted line.


We've come to the end of this paper.
#KeepItComingLove #ILoveLucyJobSwitching #ImExhausted

Here is Dr. Burkhardt's 1st presentation, scroll down and "show replies" to see more of his work.

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