Raj Bhagat P #Mapper4Life Profile picture
Earth Observer, Civil Engineer Tweets: Data-Driven Decision Making, GIS, Remote Sensing, Water, Urban Development, Environment, Maps

May 10, 2023, 6 tweets


Another city, another neighbourhood, another stream but same story

This is about a nala that flows through the dense urban concrete jungle of #Hyderabad city. It flows through Padma colony of nallakunta neighbourhood and eventually joined Musi river.

Like many streams and canals in urban environment in India, this stream also didnt have any buffer in case of severe floods and jailed with concrete walls and no room for it to breathe. For most of the year, these streams carry sewage water.

In this Padma colony section, where the nala didnt have any space already was contained further by constructing a street on top of it. The canal now became a duct below a functioning street. Its capacity gets reduced and is a potential clogging nightmare.

Google Maps - Street view of that street below which the canal is now flowing is displayed below.

This means that any small amount of construction or maintenance work or clogging happens, there is no more space for water to run and it would start flooding other places

Few days ago, when it rained heavily, the water from the canal breached the retaining wall and began flowing outside into the streets of Padma Colony (flooded areas marked in red) . Residents blamed it on corporation. Corporation blamed it on encroachments.

Here's the result:

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