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May 12, 2023, 14 tweets

@nytimes normalizing coverage of DJT is as dangerous as that of #CNN

The #FrontPage NYT influences moderates/liberals/journalists.

Today an A1 abomination of gaslighting, whitewashing & normalization of DJT:
-continued assault on truth
-fascism and danger


4 NYT journalists shameful in their erasure of Trump’s criminality, &firehose of INTENTIONAL disinformation.

The online headline is gaslighting us.

@anatosaurus @froomkin

This is an accurate opening graph. BUT the entire piece fails to convey any of the “stakes” or harms such as the end of American democracy.

This could have been a #ChatGPT summary of the #CNN entertainment show masquerading as informing America.

Is this a “vision” or a threat to American democracy and society?
Why @JenniferReitman can’t the NYT include any morality in their coverage?
Is it @AGSNYT @NYTimesGuild that NYT has no position on any of these menacing “visions” of DJT? Is “adherence to rule of law” activism?

We are being gaslit by the NYT. This is #fascism

Please NYT consult experts outside of your ego-centric halls.
Ask @TimothyDSnyder @ruthbenghiat what they think of this “bend government” vision!

Shit ask #ChatGPT what would James Madison or Shirley Chisholm would think!

This piece is normalizing garbage. Its structure follows the NYT @maggieNYT formula center Republican perspectives.

Trump attempted an overthrow of American democracy and is a threat to all the world. Why is Mike Esper a NYT go to quote?

@tomwatson @iTweetyNerd

ALERT. NYT prints unfiltered anti-Biden disinformation from @JasonMillerinDC (through AccessMaggie?)

@nycscribe this piece is a failure on your shoulders.

@ElieNYC @jeffjarvis

This is true.

Please @owillis @DougJBalloon remember this NYT A1 trash if fascism lands its knockout punch on American democracy in 2024 that “the paper of record” was going with “shattering norms” instead of “corrupt fascist seeking to end democracy”.

Dr. King quote almost fits to describe NYT and NYT readers who cannot see the racism and harms embodied in Trump while deluding themselves Trump is “just a candidate” and “norm breaker”. He’s worse than that. He’s a white supremacist but NYT won’t say that. @michaelharriot

The DAILY FAILURES of the @nytimes to cover Trump as a fascist, criminal and threat are worse than #ChrisLicht infotainment spectacle.

@MMBrussell @protecttruth_

H/t @MarkJacob16 👇

Yes @TimothyDSnyder but CNN is a corporate subsidiary of an entertainment corporation. It’s prime directive is shareholder bottom line.

This is why NYT failure to cover Trump as a fascist is MORE dangerous than #CNN

This was CNN infotainment. NYT playing its role as Trump-normalizer. @nycscribe should also have some explaining to do to @joshtpm

NYT highlighting Trumps
“breaking norms” after 7 years of depravity, criminality and Corruption is a journalistic failure.

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