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A wife and mum | Content Writer| Contributor @DeetsAcademy | Tweets are informative, Not financial advice

May 22, 2023, 20 tweets

A Mega Guide on the different ways to position for @LayerZero_Labs speculated airdrop 🪂

Strategy 1.0🚀🚀

Cost: 👇🏼
Mainnet: From $50 above

Time: According to your discretion

$ZRO #layerzero #Aidrop

A Thread 🧵

1️⃣Bitcoin Bridge

The bridge enables users to transfer #bitcoin ($BTC.b) across supported EVM chains and the Aptos chain as well

Let's say we have just $50 Avax for these interactions. You can bridge or buy from #binance exchange

Don’t mind the price on some of the pics had some pics already on my device from my previous transactions

✨swap $Avax($20) to $BTC.b
✨Swap again (20$ worth) to $USDT on @traderjoe_xyz

leave the remaining $10 Avax for gas fees and miscellaneous use

Next, go to

✨Connect your wallet

✨bridge your $BTC.b from Avalance to Arbitrum

Now to bridge back from Arbitrum chain we will need some Arbitrum #ETH to pay for gas

Use one stone kill 2 birds 🦅

To bridge back from #Arbitum we will need funds on Arb Eth for gas fees

Go to your @zerion wallet bridge $5 worth of #Avax to Arbitrum #Eth

For the full thread about the Zerion wallet Airdrop hack check this tweet 👇🏼

Now you have gas fee on Arb chain

✨Bridge the $btc.b from Avalanche to Arbitrum

✨bridge back as well

You can also bridge to Aptos and other chain

However, keep in mind that you need little funds on this chains for gas fees

2️⃣ Stargate

Go to

✨Bridge your $20 $btc.b from Avalanche to Arbitrum

✨Bridge $usdt from Avalanche to Arbitrum Remember we had $20 usdt in our balance

(2️⃣b) Buy $STG

Go to…

From the $19.98 usdt we have on the #Arbitrum chain

swap 7 USDT to $STG this will give you about 11 stg

However, to claim the stargate guild role you need about 100 stg I will advise you to buy 100 if you have the funds

(2️⃣c) Stake $STG for voting power

Go to

✨on your STG click “max”

✨Set a longer staking duration(36 months) to get more Voting Power

✨Click 'Create Stake'

✨Approve your STG and confirm the transaction in wallet

(2️⃣d) Stargate Snapshot

✨Go to

✨Click on “Join”

✨Be ready to vote when proposals go live

3️⃣ Aptosbridge

Go to

Bridge $18 (0.0006739) worth of $BTC.b from #Arbitrum network to #APTOS

Note: Bridging back from Aptos #Blockchain may take 2-3 days for your funds to arrive

4️⃣ LiquidSwap

Go to

Bridge back the $18 worth(0.0006739) of $BTC.b from Arbitrum to $APTOS

You can repeat the process interchangeably

5️⃣ Radiant Capital

On @RDNTCapital users can deposit funds, borrow, and repay debt

Recall that we still have about $12 worth of usdt on the Arbitrum chain so we are going to transact with it 👇🏼


Go to
✨connect wallet
✨scroll down and click on usdt
✨click on “Deposit” and deposit USD 10
✨click on “Continue”
✨click “Approve” and confirm in the wallet
✨Lastly, click on “Deposit” to confirm in wallet


As you can see the available amount we can borrow due to the little cash we deposited is $8

So let's borrow $2

✨Click on borrow and enter $2

✨Click on borrow again and confirm the transaction in your wallet


✨Click on repay and enter the max amount

✨Click on continue, click approve and confirm in your wallet

✨Lastly click on repay and confirm the transaction in your wallet


You can withdraw your usdt or leave it there to always use it to interact


On @holographxyz you can create your nft collection and also bridge nfts across different chains

To bridge nft Go to

✨select the chain you want to bridge from and the chain you want to bridge to

✨select the Nft in your wallet and continue

🦅 @JumperExchange Bridge

They are news of potential Airdrop from them

✨Go to
You can bridge your remaining 3$ usdt or bridge btc.b

There are other platforms to interact with for now, do what you can with this and try to create more transaction counts


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