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TMI — Free Range Journalist, Resident Krampus @theactj Support My Work!

May 26, 2023, 19 tweets

Playing the Fiddle with Matt Gaetz and the DOJ

A thread by Shawn Bradley Witzemann (TMI) aka The Free Range Journalist

#Oathkeepers #J6 #Weaponization #Judiciary #SexTrafficking

Camper Trailer, Missouri — Florida Representative Matt Gaetz had much to say on Thursday evening in a Twitter Space hosted by an Australian multi-millionaire named Nawfal who lives in Dubai.

Out of an apparent abundance of what some might say is an excess of privilege, Gaetz placed his blessed acumen on full display in front of approximately a half million people by referring to the OathKeepers as “idiots” who were “literally trying to overthrow the government.”

Mere minutes after blathering on about how a “feral” Department of Justice is destroying the First Amendment and utilizing horrendously biased jury pools as part of a politically motivated effort to put his beloved Orange Leader behind bars, Gaetz proceeded to kick his industrial……

“They stood before a jury,” said Gaetz after filling his glass with what we can only assume were fresh ice cubes from the finest of freezers, “They, uh, had every constitutional privilege afforded our defendants.”

We are told that due process is a subject, near and dear to our Floridian friend.

In September of 2022, CNN reported that the anteriorly gifted congressman is alleged to have sought out a presidential pardon in relation to an investigation into allegations that he was using Venmo to pay for prostitutes. In his testimony to the January 6th Select Committee,……

As was reported by The Daily Beast in 2021, Gaetz made a late-night transfer of $900 to Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg just a few hours before Mr. Greenberg sent $900 to 3 young women. One of the young women's names was included in the transfer from Gaetz to……

In December 2022, Greenberg was sentenced to 11 years in prison after pleading guilty to various crimes involving wire fraud and sex trafficking of a minor. Gaetz faced a firestorm of negative press and a barrage of allegations that he was somehow involved.

Citing what the court described as unprecedented assistance to the DoJ, Greenberg's attorney bemoaned the fact that “public figures”, who were “involved in Greenberg’s offenses” escaped prosecution.

On February 15th of this year, CNN reported that the Department of Justice had decided not to bring charges against Congressman Gaetz, who has said that he “never, ever paid women for sex.”

Due Process is a wonderful thing, after all.

In Thursday’s Twitter Space, Gaetz explained that OathKeepers like Stuart Rhodes were “convicted of seditious conspiracy” and that although he was “surprised” at the length of their sentences, he “wasn’t particularly aggrieved by them.”

Perhaps Gaetz is correct with his overall assessment of due process in this country. Perhaps Rhodes and the rest of the J6ers are as guilty as a Florida tax collector with a debilitating addiction to teenage prostitutes.

Perhaps his complete lack of concern for the fates of the OathKeepers is perfectly justified.

Maybe these convictions mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things and perhaps the good congressman had absolutely no reason to be seeking a pardon from Trump for the multitude of crimes that he is absolutely, positively not guilty of.

In Greenberg’s sentencing memo, Attorney Fritz Scheller had ruminations of his own:
"Perhaps the DoJ are master strategists far beyond the capabilities of the undersigned,” he wondered openly, “Or perhaps the DoJ is like Nero fiddling away as Rome burns."

Regardless of whether or not those who run the Department of Justice are master strategists or accomplished fiddle players, American plebeians can rest assured that Maximus Frontis will be keeping a close eye on the contest from his highly-coveted seat in the Judiciary and……

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I had to buy a new AC for the camper trailer this week, one of the cats has to go to the vet today,……

@threadreaderapp please unroll

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