Shaykha Iman Badawi الحُسيْنيّة Profile picture
المرأة إن تعلق همّتها بالله فهي رجل @fitrafoundation

May 26, 2023, 12 tweets

Friday Family Fun

One of the most devalued tools of tarbiya is the spiritual harnessing of family fun.

Children, in their relationships with others, are deeply affected by non-rational influences...

This makes them both vulnerable and impressionable, in heightened sensitivity to their caregivers, who have only to exert the most positive emotions they can conjure to create a loving, lasting bond, stiched in time with the thread of beautiful memories.

The main objective of social media is to use, even manipulate, the evocative to *influence* the ‘public customer’.

That’s why the *rational* hardly has a place in the digital jungle.

That’s why the *rational* hardly has a place in the digital jungle.

In real life, though, with real people, who have real meaning in our lives, the evocative is a tool of love and the heart is the real memory album.

We often wonder why teenagers gradually distance themselves from their parents. The answer is that children, just like anyone else, by their very human nature, will register time and attention as care, and so, as adults, will reciprocate only what was given to them.

Of the greatest signs with which I evaluate the success of my parenting is the inherent desire within my children, at every stage of their development, to seek out my companionship.

Yes, parenting is serious, but it is in the moments of laughter and joy that our children find a sanctuary of serenity, a storehouse of renewed energy, and a refuge from the burdens of worldly life.

In fact, the same is true for all personal relationships.

What good is a marriage if isn’t fun? 🙂

What is a friend with whom you cannot sometimes find joyful folly in between the lines of the solemn contract of respect and loyalty.

So, on this blessed Friday, or this weekend, please take your family out for some fun, not inspite of your disciplinary role, but in full compliance with what means to be a true parent.

Janet Jacket style. #escapade

“Let’s go.”

“I hope you can find some time this weekend to relax and unwind.”

“Don’t hold back. Just have a good time. We’ll make the rules up as we go along and break them all if we’re not having fun.”

“Let’s save our troubles for another day. Let me take you on an escapade.”

“…and you know, it’s Friday too.”

جمعة مبارك

May Allah’s infinite peace & blessings be upon Rasūlullāh, his pure progeny & folk, along with his gleaming companions, illuminated inheritors, and all loyal followers until the Last Day.


اللهم اصلح وارحم وفرج عن أمة سيدنا محمد

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد نورِ الأنوار وسر الأسرار وترياق الأغيار ومفتاح باب اليسار ،سيدنا محمد المختار ،وآله الأطهار وأصحابه الأخيار عدد نعم الله و افضاله

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

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