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Liberal. Democrat. Yankees, Jets, Knicks, StarTrek & Classic Rock. Blocked by Rudy Giuliani. #BLM #ONEV1 #ResistanceUnited NO LISTS & NO DMs UNLESS I KNOW YOU!

May 27, 2023, 5 tweets

1/ One catalyst to misogynistic toxic masculinity is men feeling left behind or alone. That's not an excuse for oppressing and abusing women. Not at all. Rather, we need to overcome the false MAGA narrative that progress for me and mine has to be (Cont)

2/ a zero-sum game that requires revenge and retribution to win. The MAGA way is a recipe for calamity and catastrophe for all. Democrats are enacting policies to benefit all. Indeed, men without a college education are the primary beneficiaries of Joe Biden's (Cont)

3/ infrastructure and clean energy policies. Dignity of work and self-worth is a vital component to masculinity. GOP wants us men to feel left behind, victimized, and alienated as if only others who are angry accept us. Let us acknowledge that being a man poses (Cont)

4/ unique challenges. And when young men in particular feel alone and encircled, they're vulnerable to rabble rousers that validate their insecurities. Thankfully, Democrats have an inclusive narrative supported by the facts that compassion, tolerance, and inclusiveness (Cont)

5/ are both easier and better for all. But we need to get busy in telling it and not just whine that the media is unfair or the Democrats message is unfair. WE THE PEOPLE need to be the messengers. Friend to friend. Family relative to relative. Neighbor to neighbor.

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