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Join me in the fight for justice and preservation of cultures. Nassauakueton doodem #FreeLeonardPeltier

Jun 10, 2023, 10 tweets

1. Hey @FoxNews, your recent complaints about the LGBTQ+ flag and how the American flag is the 'only approved flag' in America overlooked the fact that American Indian tribes are sovereign nations within the United States. It's important

2. to recognize that American Indian tribes are distinct Nations with their own governments, laws, cultures, and histories. As a news outlet, it's crucial to accurately report.

3. You are so Patriotic 🙄 So proud of the Constitution. But what about Article VI, Clause 2? The part that says: Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land?

4. What about the 368 treaties that were broken with the Indigenous people of Turtle Island? Oh and-
Maybe take a moment to thank the the Iroquois Confederacy for that Constitution… And for the concept of democracy.

5. And you go on and on about “illegals and anti-immigration…” that takes a lot of nerve while you stand on #StolenLand. When we get the #Landback - NO GREEN CARD FOR YOU!

6. Or maybe @FoxNews could take a moment and actually do something good by bringing awareness to the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (#MMIW)?

7. According to the CDC), homicide is the third leading cause of death among American Indian and Alaska Native women aged 10-24 and the fifth leading cause of death for those aged 25-34.

8. Close to 6,000 reported #MMIW but these statistics ARE underestimated- not the true number of cases as many go unreported or are misclassified and not investigated.
#Colonialism, #SystemicRacism

#9 In conclusion, just want to give a shout out to ALL the #LGBTQ2S and wish y’all #Pride2023 #LoveWins

Wait, one more thing… #FreeLeonardPeltier

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