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Jun 12, 2023, 8 tweets

"When we rolled up [to the school board meeting], it was the scariest scene I've ever seen." There were "over 100 really buff dudes shouting, 'Groomer, pedophile, leave our kids alone!'" -@daisykpgardner, LAUSD mom. Extremists will target Temecula TOMORROW. 1/ #WarOnPublicSchools

This is an excerpt from my interview earlier today with three concerned women from Southern California whose schools sytems have been targeted by far right extremists, including the Proud Boys. You can watch the whole interview here. 2/

Thank you to Jenn, Daisy, and Alex for taking the time to speak with me. Please keep us updated on future developments. #WarOnPublicSchools #ChristoFascism #ProudBoys 3/


5/ Here, @Doro_Slay_Gale explains how a local pastor in Temecula has been targeting Temecula schools since the pandemic.

6/ More on that Temecula pastor. He's hosted Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG) and backed 6 far right school board candidates who won seats on three different school boards.

7/ Florida seems to have provided the playbook for taking over public schools and harassing public teachers, who then flee, resulting in a brain drain that causes the school to collapse, as explained here by Daisy Gardner.

8/ As noted, far right operatives have indicated that they plan to target Temecula's school board meeting tomorrow. They've also been targeting Temecula's superintendent who they apparently want to replace. The far right has already taken over 3 of the 5 school board seats.

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