🌷Nathalie Elodie Profile picture
Kings College London alumni | #SafeAirSchools

Jun 15, 2023, 9 tweets


“More than half of (school) absences in Wales have been caused by illness”


@lckwales @SGriffin_Lab @cv_cev @KinderenLC @educationgovuk


#LongCovidKids wrote to Boris Johnson 28.06.22 having delivered our award winning Support Guide to @10DowningStreet in person

It’s time that children and their families living with this life altering illness are protected and assisted, as all victims should be.



Free Double Award Winning Long Covid Support Guide 👇🏼


Written at the end of 2021
Published March 2022

Ht @suepeters21 @Occ4LifeLtd @SammieFMc @HelenMMGoss @jneill @baldypidge @SarahOC_MECFS @Nat_E_Pearson


🚨 Kids are becoming @cv_cev

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