🌷Nathalie Elodie #HealthySchools Profile picture
4 yr ally & advocate for those affected by SARS2 lending energy & amplifying broken voices | #MECFS | #LongCovid |Kings College London alumni | Views my own
Jun 5 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 Teachers

There was a noticeable rise in teacher sickness absence in Hampshire in 2021/2022

Term time holidays or staying at home with the sniffles?


Ht @jneill
@DamianHinds @dianabarran @MichaelRosenYes Image Air quality in my daughter's school is dreadful.

There's nothing to say schools have to monitor ventilation. Diana Barran said some of them were reminded to do so in October.

That didn't help.

Case in point 👇🏽


@DamianHinds @UKHSA_SouthEast @dianabarran Image
Mar 17 • 6 tweets • 3 min read

My daughters school ran out of supply teachers on Wednesday due to illness

Solution? Mix 2 classes (58 kids) in 1 room

Today my daughter has
🔺a fever
🔺soreness to breathe deeply
🔺sore throat

No one else in the household is sick. Yet.

1/ Image Her symptoms began yesterday.

The DfE states schools should be monitoring CO2 levels. They aren't. Is yours?

Baroness Baran (Minister for the School System & Student Finance) states one way to improve absence is via ventilation.

@educationgovuk @dianabarran @hantsconnect

Jan 25 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I’ve just received this through my child’s school.

Hand hygiene is not enough @HIOW_ICS. Please amend to include ventilation and air filtration.

Hampshire school

@Carolyn_CIPFA please see my email correspondence re: CO2 levels exceeding workplace safety limits in my daughter’s school, and attached thread in tweet below. How can we help our local schools and communities?
Dec 12, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
🔵 Schools

It was great to meet in person with Education Secretary and Member of Parliament, Damian Hinds

My young daughter came with me & we listened to her explain how it feels to breathe and learn in classrooms with indoor air quality this poor


1/ Image We showed Mr Hinds my daughter's CO2 monitor and, referencing our simple poster with facts about air quality, she explained why every child deserves to learn in well ventilated classrooms.

@erbrooker @CleanAirClassrm

2/ Image
Oct 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
🟥 Bookmark

1000s of SA RSCo V2 studies published in medical & academic journals to combat misinfo & raise awareness of the multiorgan damage & serious illness infection can cause


🟨 HT @GringoGranadino @sharkzfanz
@Debunk_the_Funk @sense_strand
. zotero.org/groups/5006109…
Image /2


SA RSCo V2 research repositories






🟩 docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
Jun 18, 2023 • 21 tweets • 14 min read
Professor Stephen Griffin accepts invitation to give @thackraymuseum #Insights lecture in memory of Monty Losowsky

Recorded 04.03.23

🧵 of lecture highlights

1 of 20

▪️ What is a vaccine?
▪️ How do vaccines work (1 of 2)

#SARSCoV2 #Vaccines #Children twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 🧵of lecture highlights. Professor Stephen Griffin

2 of 20

▪️ What is a vaccine?
▪️ How do vaccines work? (2 of 2)

#SARSCoV2 #Vaccines #Children
Jun 15, 2023 • 9 tweets • 12 min read