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Jun 17, 2023, 14 tweets

.@Polkadot will surprise you in the next bull run, it is one of the #blockchains recording the highest development activity!

What is silently being prepared?

I spent hours studying this ecosystem to find projects with high potential!

Top 8 Polkadot high-potential projects!


@Polkadot is the second blockchain after #Ethereum with the highest development activity. It's an important metric often correlated with innovative proposals. To save you time, here are the top 8 projects with the highest potential.

1- @pendulum_chain
Pendulum builds the missing link between fiat and DeFi through a fiat-optimized smart contract blockchain. They create on-chain utility for a wide range of fiat currencies and fintech services making financials open and inclusive.

2- @kusamanetwork
Kusama is the test network for Polkadot, similar in architecture. It provides an environment for innovative experimentation and risk-taking without the consequences of the main network. Users interact with real money, making it more than a test net.

3- @MoonbeamNetwork
Moonbeam aims to enable interoperability between Polkadot and other blockchains, like Ethereum. It allows developers to create DApps that can run on both platforms. Polkadot users can access Ethereum's ecosystem without leaving their native blockchain.

4- @AIRA_Robonomics
Robonomics is an open-source network that connects humans, robots, connected objects, and bots through blockchain. It enables cooperation by allowing robots to request instructions or resources from humans using smart contracts.

5- @EdgewareDAO
Edgeware is a decentralized hub on Polkadot, empowering developers to quickly enter the market by collaborating in a decentralized manner. It offers a community treasury for funding, fostering hyper-efficient infrastructures and decentralization.

6- @PhalaNetwork
Phala addresses the high computation and storage costs faced by smart contracts on Ethereum or Parachain. It delegates applications to an off-chain network of operators on Polkadot, enabling complex DApps to deploy applications outside the main blockchain.

7- @MantaNetwork
Manta Network leverages Polkadot's interoperability to provide privacy across Web 3. It integrates with Polkadot and employs Zero Knowledge Proofs technology to add a layer of anonymization.

8- @Kylin_Network
Kylin is a decentralized data management infrastructure for DeFi and the Polkadot ecosystem. It offers decentralized oracles that can verify data inside and outside the blockchain.

I will be adding 2 more projects and posting a list of 10 projects on my TG channel.
Make sure to join Telegram for the recent alpha! 👇

@CryptoShiro_ @rektdiomedes @Deebs_DeFi @TheDeFISaint @poopmandefi @defiprincess_ @CryptoKoryo @_BillionAireSon @0xTindorr @I_am_patrimonio @Hercules_Defi @Only1temmy @wacy_time1 @jake_pahor @arndxt_xo @0xSalazar That's a wrap!

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