HISTORY. DEBUNK. EDITS Also On Youtube And Instagram For Debunking AntiRajput propaganda

Jun 17, 2023, 13 tweets

Mega #thread 🧡 on Maharani #Padmavati : debunking all the lies spread on Queen Padmavati and proof of her historicity with conclusive sources 1/11 β¬‡οΈπŸ”†πŸ”…
[[[Tag her @tishasaroyan in this thread because she have blocked me 😁😏 ]]]

At the time of Rawal Ratan Singh (1303 AD), there was no fort or area named Kumbhalner (Kumbhalgarh) and no king named Devpal. Rather, Malik Muhammad Jayasi had wrongly imagined this in Padmavat. Kumbhalner was built by Rana Kumbha (1440-1450). Before that it did not exist 2/11

Jauhar was a practice of mass self-immolation by Rajput women, their children, and retainers to avoid capture, enslavement and rape by an invading army. Because the contemporary sources of the Turks themselves say that after winning they used to take women as slaves. 3/11

Padmavat story was not originated by Jayasi (1540 AD), but 14 years before that, in 1526, this story is found in a book called Chittai Charitt (Chittor Charit), and after Jayasi in 1589 AD, this incident exist in Gora Badal Katha of Hemartan. Which are different from Jayasi. 4/11

A historical character named Rawal Ratan Singh is found in the Padmavat story,now his inscription of 1303 AD from Chittor has been found, which clearly proves his historicity. Now the husband of Padmavati himself is a historical character. So why can't it be Padmavati? 5/11

Many historians imagine that there is no description of Padmini in Amir Khusro's book, so perhaps this imagination is their mistake, Khusro has described Padmini in another sense, which has been certified by historians Irfan Habib, Dashrath Sharma and KL Srivastava. 6/11

Both Abul Fazal and Farishta were Muslim historians who wrote against the Rajputs. But still he has proved the historicity of Padmavati by describing it. Now Abul Fazl and Farishta are the main historians of the people who consider Padmavati as a fiction. 7/11

Other characters in the story of Padmavati were Gora Badal and Raghav Chetan, their historicity is proved by the Kumbhalgarh inscription of 1460 AD, & Khatargachh Pattavali of 1310-20 AD. Now if both these characters were historical, then how can Padmavati be fictional. 8/11

Padmavati's birth is said to be Singauli and Pugal (Jaisalmer) region according to medieval sources, only Jayasi imagined and wrote Sri Lanka. Hemratan and other sources do not have such description. These sources are fully deferent from jayasi's imagination. 9/11

Therefore, it is concluded that Padmavati was not a fictional character but a historical character, because most of the inscriptions of Mewar did not have the names of queens or women. Ex. Meerabai and Panna Dhai, who are historical characters even if they are not mentioned.10/11

This is what we would like to say this woman @tishasaroyan who spoke wrongly on Rajputs and Jauhar- 🀑First go and do your PhD studies properly with contemporary and best historical sources, Not from the books written by your own propagandist xyz historians of JNU. 11/11

@threadreaderapp kindly unroll

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