Beauty tips😋 ya digg?😏 Profile picture
Some beauty tips... but y’all can go follow me 😘

Apr 6, 2018, 10 tweets

HOW TO GROW 4a/4b/4c HAIR✨💇🏽‍♀️ #thread #threadstorytime #naturalhair #storytime

LCO Method is the best way to moisturize your hair.


Spray hair with either water,rose water,or aloe water(that’s your liquid).Then follow up with a conditioner of your choice.And lastly seal in hair with an sealing oil.
Do this everyday

Some good conditioners that work for me are Whole blends and Shea moisture. Each brand has a variety of different conditioners❤️ you are bond to find the one that works for your hair.

There are two different types of oils. Moisturizing oils and sealing oils. When you are trying to seal in moisture it’s obvious to use a sealing oil. Some sealing oils/butters are:

~Grape seed oil 🍇
~Shea butter
~Mango butter
~Jojoba Oil

2. Oil recipe

Pumpkin Oil 🎃( customizable)
Peppermint oil 6 drops
MSM powder 2 teaspoons

For better results when applying this place the container you have the mixture in, in hot water then apply.

Every 2 1/2 months for a week do the inversion method with this.

3. Deep conditioner
Deep conditioners are bomb asf. To deepen the effect while deep conditioning your hair use a steamer. Or make your own steamer.

Diy steamer:

Place cap on head,then a plastic baggy ,then a rag with warm to hot water ,then place another baggy on head.

4. Protective Style.

We all know what a protective style is. Protective styles allow our hair to grow in peace. During a protective style make sure to Oil your scalp. Use a moisturizing oil or the Oil recipe I made above to reduce breakage when them braids come out.

Another way to prevent breakage when your braids come out is ; when your going to take your braids out apply conditioner all over head then gently take them out .

5. Vitamins.

Eat healthy to recieve that nutrition so it can take part in hair growth or if your not into eating healthy 🙃 take hair growth pills. Do some research on them before taking them so you know what to expect and what not to expect.

That’s it for this thread. Follow me for more. TOODLES😘

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