🚧 1.Let's take a little trip down memory lane @NancyPelosi@SenSchumer@SenGillibrand because it appears as though you may have a memory problem. In 2014 there were children in cages, 80% of which weren't even receiving adequate food and water #AbolishICE#WomenDisobey
2. 2014 Brian Williams reported on 52k children cramped into small facilities and while "taking children from Mothers" is never said listen closely when they say ADULTS are deported, kids stay? @NBCNews knows this and it was @RepMcCaul (R) that was worried #KeepFamiliesTogether
3. The @ACLU wrote to the Obama Admin in 2014 complaining children, including infants were starved, kept in "freezers" and sexually abused they included 116 confessions from children. #KeepFamiliesTogetheracluaz.org/sites/default/…
4. In fact during the Obama administration no press was allowed to visit these facilities and @DHSgov could not say if the children would ever be reunited with family. @SenJohnMcCain and @JeffFlake know this well, why aren't they speaking up? #AbolishICE#WomenDisobey
6. #FlashbackFriday@laurawbush do you remember 2007 by chance? In your very own State of Texas children were held in a prison facility, they wore prison uniforms, were denied education and barely went outside. The children said they were traumatized #LauraBush@realDonaldTrump
9. #FunFact women were told is was no problem to cross if they had a child in 2014 but sometimes it didn't work so adults were deported and Obama admin kept the children Mothers were barely allowed to speak to them #KeepFamiliesTogether#FamiliesBelongTogether
10. Deporting parents and keeping kids was rampant in 2011, a report called "shattered families" counted 5100 children that were in foster care because their parents were not legal. Most never go their kids back. #KeepFamiliesTogether annarbor.com/news/undocumen…
12. There was all kinds of madness completely ignored by every single Democrat for 8 years of Obama. How about the fraud caused by illegal immigration that has destroyed the lives of children that don't even know their identity is stolen yet? thehill.com/blogs/congress…
13. Obama's department was deporting people with asylum, one woman was kidnapped and raped because of a mistake but @womensmarch wasn't around then surely they would have protested? @ACLU aclu.org/files/assets/1…
14. What was the big solution? Mothers and children were just dropped off at bus stations, left to fend for themselves is that @TheDemocrats dream? The studies show that in 2014-2016 our public school system was crippled and forced to take these children, no paperwork.
15. Illegal immigrants were told in Spanish how to go on food stamps in 2013 and no one did anything about it, they also received health care, housing assistance and legal, no wonder they're so loyal. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…
Read this email sent from a USAid employee to Rajiv Shah, who was the current Administrator appointed by Obama. Even the people that worked there knew it was out of control.
"USAid is nothing more than a slush fund for the State Department to do as they please"
"we are bullied overseas.."
Transcript below.
I witnessed once again the total lack of understanding that you have of USAID and development given the disastrous situation we now find ourselves in today. We spoke with several colleagues and the following sums up the basic feelings of most of us in USAID after your talk.
USAID is nothing more than a slush fund for the State Department to as they please. No one can take you seriously and I hope you spend a minute to read before you delete this email as we.I do care about USAID and U.S. foreign assistance.
We worked for USAID before you came and we will work for USAID after you depart. Please understand;
An agency that does not control its budget is not an agency.
An Administrator that does not report to the president is but an office director in the Department of State, not an
Administrator. You are too young and inexperienced to be of any service as a development professional as you have no experience and neither do the people who run USAID from the Department.
You asked USAID employees for their opinion, we responded to this request and you ignored the major questions posed.
You have evidently ignored the requests from two previous administrators in your last town hall. Their basic guidance was---control of the USAID budget or no control and no USAID. McPherson was right on (and probably the last legitimate Administrator in USAID) after the last three or four sold USAID down the tubes for political expediency. You ignored them and the questions posed to you by your employees. Seems like you only care about what Jack Lew or his replacement will offer, this is evident.
USAID is supposed to do basic development....we are overcharged and not served by the Department and we are bullied overseas by the Department State and by your meaningless exhortations, so poorly done in the last two months only make you look like the puppet you are.
Do us a favor and quit with at least some dignity, that way you will not be but a person serving tea at the Departments tea and crumpet's events as you have no real standing in the Department or in the Agency you allegedly lead. To lead means leadership and you are nothing more than a patsie for Drew Luten, Hillary Clinton and others in the Department.
Rajiv was rattled by the email and sent it to Hillary's people. What did Hilda do? Her first instinct was to do a background check on the woman who sent it! Pure psychopath.
1. The George A. Kelly case is worse than you think. Departments we depend on to protect us, went out of their way to prosecute George based on the hand crafted “testimony” from a twice convicted foreign gun runner… and it only gets worse from there.
George and Wanda, his wife, were eating lunch inside their ranch on the Arizona/Mexico border. They heard a shot, looked up and saw a group of armed migrants on their land. George quickly told Wanda to hide, called Border patrol for help and fired warning shots in the air.
Border patrol came to the property, searched the whole area and found nothing. Later that night George went to check on his old horse and to his horror, found a body. He immediately called law enforcement.
The body was that of Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, who had multiple arrests for illegal crossings. No bullet or weapon was ever found on or near the body.
The next day George was charged with first degree murder and an unprecedented bail of $1 million was set. From that point on the case has never been about facts, instead it’s turned into a political argument. Mr. Kelly is innocent, it’s time to give him his life back and stop making this a battle about the border.
2. Meet Sheriff David Hathaway ( @JamesDavidHath1) who blatantly lied about George A. Kelly before the trial. While playing show and tell on his Uncles ranch, he says Kelly is an outsider who came to “hunt me some Mexicans!”
3. Kelly did write a 57 page, self published book ten years ago but none of what the Sheriff said existed in it. Contents of the book were not allowed in court, even NYT’s had a more truthful take than Hathaway.
White, Jewish, social justice warrior, BLM & defund police supporter, radical prison reform activist Michael Latt just got murdered at his house by a homeless woman named Jameelah Elena Michl.
Can’t find photo of suspect but police say they may have known each other. This story will be interesting, ktla.com/news/local-new…
Just stopped by to support the mightiest little Cakeshop in town. The store has been transformed into a shipping center because orders are pouring in from around the Country to support Jack. The vindictive mob will not win🇺🇸 masterpiececakes.com
This should be national news!? A 41 year old Dem murdered an 18 year old kid because he was a Republican. The whole world heard about Heather Heyer but Cayler Ellingson gets run over by an extremist and you’ll never hear his name. gofundme.com/f/caylor-ellin…
If an actual right wing extremist murdered a Democrat it would be national news @JoeBiden would tell the world it was a MAGArepublican and @CNN@MSNBC@FoxNews@abcnews@NBCNews@NPR would be screaming about it. This is disgusting.
Cayler called his mom begging for help just like George Floyd. Cayler was run over by a car just like Heather Heyer. Why won’t this story get coverage? Because he’s a white Republican.