विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य देहिनः ।
रसवर्जं रसोऽप्यस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते ।।
viṣayā vinivartante nirāhārasya dehinaḥ ।
rasavarjaṃ raso'pyasya paraṃ dṛṣṭvā nivartate ।।
Indriya-s like eyes, ears, tongue.. feed on rupa, shabda, rasa.. It is their food. Even if one is able to control indriya-s so that they don't experience it's food, it is extremely difficult to control desire.
That desire will be extinguished only by Atma-anubhava
It is very difficult to control desire. A sannyasi who experiences para-brahmam & realizes 'I am That', is able to extinguish that desire..
Where there is no 'True Knowledge', there Desire takes shape
A man doesn't eat for a long time. Then excepting his tongue & the desire to experience taste, all other indriya-s & their desires are fully extinguished.
Even that desire of experiencing taste gets extinguished once he sees Paramatma