@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC Well, to begin with, the premise….that all Trump supporters are hateful, racist, etc.,…is not only inaccurate but at a minimum it prevents any chance of functional coexistence….and at worst it exacerbates an already opened, festering societal wound….1/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC Are there hateful, racist Trump supporters? Absolutely. And I’ve written about and analyzed them extensively. But here’s where we have to practice that which Trump & his supporters are criticized (often by me) for failing to observe: Nuance…2/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC Yes, hateful racists have found refuge, acceptance, & legitimacy in Trump’s narcissistic need for adulation because, aside from his own amorality, he’s pathologically incapable of declining attention, regardless of the source (“very fine people”): 4/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC For others who are less overtly hateful, but more susceptible to following orders, or to following a figure head or organization to which they have a dysfunctional level of personal investment (identity), a “moral authority” component comes into play: 5/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC In some cases, the toxic, zero-sum, purity test-induced castigation has caused or even forced relatively moderate/objective people into a defensive, resentful partisan proxy war against those who have disparaged them & their effort to remain impartial: 7/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC For others (reluctant Trump voters), the intensity of the judgment they receive for having voted for Trump has backed them into a corner, and has created a situation where their continued support of Trump has become a defense of their morality: 8/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC The media is also a huge factor. One of the overarching forces behind the political polarization of society is the polarization of media outlets. This has allowed the political narrative to be dominated by egomaniacal, narcissistic media authoritarians..9/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC In the tweet below, I mentioned people being uninformed and misinformed. Although, an argument can be made about the level of personal responsibility/culpability that people assume for being willfully or lazily ignorant….11/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC …..being misinformed or uniformed does not in itself make someone a bad person…or hateful, or a racist. Especially, as explained below, when they are being preyed upon by Right wing media: 12/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC For many people, leaving their party is analogous to losing their religion, or leaving the church. This is a difficult process/decision that requires questioning *everything* they knew & believed up until that point, and potentially admitting it was wrong or inaccurate. 16/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC That is extremely unsettling, and an incredibly difficult thing to do. And like, shedding a religion, it negatively affects many, if not most, of their relationships, because we’ve reached a point where most of society associates along partisan lines. 17/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC But political polarization/partisanship problem actually goes even much deeper because research has shown there may be a physiological component: fMRI scans were used to show that neuroanatomical regions that are associated with physically painful experiences… 20/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC …exhibit increased activity when people experience social exclusion or social separation. These findings indicate that it can literally become a *painful* experience when people disagree or speak out against groups of which they consider themselves to be members. 21/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC This would seem to indicate that there are physiological components at play that cause people to prefer to be comfortably wrong (incorrect/uninformed), rather than uncomfortably right (correct/informed),….22/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC …..when being right or correct would put them in contradiction with a group with whom they share an identity, or if being right or correct would threaten their group membership. 23/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC If motivation or incentive for pain avoidance exists, it not only could conceivably create an aversion to objectivity or moderation, but it would incentivize groupthink, “collective narcissism”, etc. 24/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC This is why it's so important for people to invest their identity into values, and values-driven ideas, rather than political leaders or political parties.... Because if your values remain constant,....25/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC ….you can fluidly and flexibly disavow or relinquish membership or allegiance to people/parties/groups that run contrary to your values, rather than abandon your values in order to continue to justify your membership in and loyalty to them....26/
@BarbaraHaysSmi1@susanmddem@WalshFreedom@LindseyGrahamSC To use a slightly modified, but analogous, sports cliché: It's not the name (team/party) on the front of the jersey that matters, what matters is the name on the back of the jersey (yours),…..and the values it embraces and promotes.
I meant to include climate change in the original thread.
As difficult as it is to accept, similar to the other issues laid out in the thread....does anyone believe climate change will be mitigated under the authoritarian aspirations of the Republican party?
The contradiction: millions of people on the Right who've been "activated" by Bannon....and who, after decades of supporting/protecting corporations, now suddenly want to tear down the system & all of the exploitive actors who've profited.....2/
.....is that after decades of manipulation, they continue to cling to most damaging/threatening narrative.....created by one of the richest/most exploitive industries/corporations (fossil fuel)....that either funds some of the most anti-American regimes (Russian/Middle East)...3/
A recent Trump rally was a sobering reminder of what’s at stake in 2022/2024.
In his speech, Trump openly attempted to obstruct justice, tampered w/witnesses, and, similar to the 1/6 insurrection, encouraged widespread “protests” if he was indicted. 1/
Seemingly every week, there is new evidence further exposing the orchestrated attempt by Trump/GOP to undermine democracy.
And yet, it’s Republican voters who overwhelmingly believe democracy is facing a major threat. 2/ grinnell.edu/news/52-americ…
The absurdity of this is that Republican voters’ belief that democracy is threatened is what actually creates the threat:
Trump’s/GOP’s lies about the 2020 election have manipulated Republicans into thinking it’s patriotic to “steal it back”, & therefore undermine democracy. 3/
An interesting study is linked in @michelleinbklyn's article on how politics negatively affect mental/physical health. The study utilized self-report instruments used to measure Alcohol/Gambling addiction...which is unsurprising based on the parallels: 1/
I've previously analyzed the multitude of factors that affect political impulse control, including social media "addiction"-related sleep deprivation that hyper-activates the amygdala (emotion), & deactivates the prefrontal cortex (reason/judgment).... 3/
The political/election version of rapture prophecies that just keep moving the promised date/outcome farther down the line, with "the delusional, non-occurring predictions reinforcing belief in the conspiracy".
I watched 3 hours of the Joe Rogan interview Dr. Robert Malone. Some observations about Malone, Rogan....and the complexities involving Covid/vaccines, “truth”, cancel culture, Big Pharma, the tribalization of science, political disinformation, and the “Trump effect”: 1/
First, it reinforces how catastrophic it was to have someone as pathologically dishonest as Trump as POTUS when Covid surfaced. I analyzed this extensively in the 70+ threads written between Trump’s covid “hoax” rally, and the 1/6 insurrection. 2/