#WWG1WGA #Qanon #QAnons #QAnon2019
Did Reagan foreshadow Q more than 17 years ago? If you apply gematria to decode his outgoing letter of advice to Bush and you hope it does, then it absolutely does. Reagan's outgoing letter of advice to Bush had been classified 17 years
That is what motivated my search for a hidden message. Reagan's letter to Bush was my first attempt at using gematria to find hidden messages within a letter so buyer beware. His letter to Bush is very cryptic, almost begging one to consider the existance of hidden messages.
Much like the way Q refuses to mention the name of Meghan McCains father, Reagan refuses to mention George by his name. Instead he refers to him as: Jeb Bush's Dad; , Father Bush; Barbara Bush's husband.
He spends alot of time talking about "houses". IMO the "house" he is
referring to is the "house of America" versus the "house of globalists". I came to this opinion because of the multiple references to the location of his preferred "house". He kept calling it "Ronald Reagan's Private Shed" and mentions it five times, definately significant.
Applying gematria to the capital letters in the phrase (RRPS) equates to the number 71. There are numerous possibilities to what that number represents but in my interpretation the phrase that makes the most since is, Hidden Hand. Hidden Hand is a common phrase that is used
when describing the puppet masters behind the official decision makers. I read and article where a member of the "Hidden Hand" kept referring to "houses" as well. Saying the members of the cabal must always keep the interest of their "house" as their first priority,
above their own interests. Reagan goes on to other subjects many of which just sound like the ramblings of someone starting to exhibit the symptoms of dementia or alzheimers. He tells a story about how he ingested a worm that keeps him awake at night because it talks to him
about who knows what and that Nancy wants him to get rid of the worm. I could not figure out what he was alluding to. He also asks Bush to return a Glo-City basketball to him if he finds it. The most amusing part, to me, is when Reagan informs Bush to not be afraid of the
men in suits, with guns, following him around. Reagan tells Bush that these men are Secret Service and that they are there to make sure no one tries to shoot JFK. Actuallt I think this quote is my favorite: "Good luck, and I hope you don't immediately get assassinated."
Like I stated earlier, this was my first attempt at using gematria so do not start quoting this to anyone as well researched information. This is just the my opinion about a 18 years into the future. Now that I've lost half the readers, lets get into the findings.
There are seven pages to Reagan's letter. In my first attempt I used all the captial letters on each page and then picked the most appropriate word or phrase that matched the gematria of that page.
191= The beginning of the end
376= June Fourteen nineteen forty six (POTUS DOB. Could the plan have been this detailed?)
127= the ashkenazi OR khazarian jew OR nationalism
209= Global economic collapse (Khazarian Mafia cannot be defeated until their monetary system is)
159= Bilderberg Group OR Royal Bloodlines (this is the decode I had the least faith in)
191= The end of the beginning. (The odds of the same number coming back up randomly is extremely doubtful, according to a gematria expert I emailed.)
283= When the Saints Come Marching In (When I first saw this as a possible meaning, I laughed and kept looking. Then, as I kept singing along to it in my head, it started to make since. After I went back and read all the lyrics to the song, they make perfect since.
Plus, it put me in good mood and reminded me that this whole journey is based on hope.
There are several ways to interpret gematria messages and if you search hard enough you can make almost anything appear to be a plausible message.
A couple other interesting points. I tried using a gematria method of totaling individual paragraphs and decoding those instead of page totals. Amazingly enough the number 209 was still in the totals and had just moved location in the sequence, see spread sheet.
Another amazing decode concerns the date of Q's first post. In the first page gematria total, 191, the reverse full reduction is = october twenty eighth two thousand 17 (date of Q's first post) Q's first post describes how HRC extradition had already started.
That was obviously a lie, but check this out. If you take the second gamatria total, 376, and apply the same Full Reverse Reduction we get:
Take this for what it is worth folks. It is a factual analysis of Reagan's actual letter to Bush compiled into a hopeful interpretation, meant to stoke the fire of any who need a fan. I am a fan to all the patriots our there who share the burning desire for
America to once again become the physical manifestation of Individual Liberty, with JUSTICE for all. WITHOUT HOPE THIS MOVEMENT WOULD HAVE NEVER LEFT OUR COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS.
i stayed up way too late doing this
By the way, when I started trying to decode this it did not even occur to me that "The Plan" could even be a subject. I was thinking secret info on JFK or Bush family
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According to Q (the best military psyop of all time that I pray is true & accurate)the first arrest will be Jon Podesta, followed next by Huma. His arrest will be associated with the following conditions/events:
False leaks made to restrict movement.
"the country will unfortunately be divided"
"Public riots would be organized."
POTUS will use the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) to speak directly to the people.
An initial open reaction of nonacceptance.
POTUS will declare martial law.
Those who wish to do harm to the USA or its citizens during this time will be met with swift fury.
The above conditions are drawn from Q post dated 11/01/2017;
From 12/17/2019 The indictment will be unsealed and will trigger mass pop awakening.
As far as the elimination of Qassem Soleimani goes, my thoughts pretty much went:
"POTUS previously has avoided strikes against Iran ?"
"Individual targetted vs miltiple militias"
I hadn't heard of him b4 so had to search.
"Ok, extreme bad guy; Iranian symbol of misplaced pride"
"Iranians who want change may baulk"
"Understand the strategic reasoning, but shortsighted?"
"What's changed, besides US casualtiess?"
"Only long term possibilities: disrupt CC of militias;
Enough regime members have joined the Awakening to possibly take control and walk into the light. But not possible with Qasseem's influence "
"We will give measured response from this point while offering path to removal of sanctions"
"Optimists love hope"
1. As crazy as this sounds it answers a couple 'epiphanies" I've had.
Universal con anyone
I've had a couple instances where I've had thoughts that do not jive with my personal outlook on life and personal philospphy. First time ot happenned was when I was little.
2. I was about 9 or 10 and stayed with me for quite a while. I was too young to be considering such topics but I vivdly remember thinking that there are far too many people in the world & more than half needed to dissapear. I knew that you shouldn't day dream such things.
3. I couldn't help it though. I kept thinking about it. I decided some type of plague would be the "solution".
I've felt guilty for the last 40 years.
There have been a couple other instances of invasive day dreams later in life and I chauked it up to so many people "thinking
The Big Bang occured when quantum computing came into existance. Quantum computers will/do have the ability to create a VR that is impossible to differintiate from "real" reality.
How many simulations are "running" in our reality right now? Now consider that eventually the Qantum VR world will make it possible for you to finally find out what would have happenned if you had chosen to:
Invest that money to start my company.
Decided to use the line "Luke, I am yoir Father" rather than "No, I am your Father"
Use Magic Mirror on the wall instead of: "Mirror Mirror On The Wall"
Give Scarecrow a gun in forrest scene
Give C3po a silver leg from the knee down.