I'm feel honoured to be the 92th guest for 1000 African Voices, a podcast produced in partnership with South Africa's SABC sharing stories from all parts of Africa.
Ik vind het jammer dat ik paar maanden terug, als gast voor @BNRzaken podcast niet kon vanwege de tijd. Maar hierboven 👆is een Engelse versie, denk ik! #Zakendoen#Nederland#Somalie
THREAD: Financial services are vital. Demand is high due to the growth. There are now more #Somali banks. In the last two years, nearly three Somali-owned private banks have opened, and more are in the process of being licensed.
Chart source: @SomaliaInsider
In June 2015, MasterCard became the first international payment network to enter Somalia. There had been no formal banking and financial system since the collapse in 1991. @MastercardMEA partnered with @premierbankSO_ as its first partnership in the country.
From 2001-2009, the largest players in the financial services industry were the money transfer companies. These included @Dahabshil, @TawakalExpress, @AmalBankHQ, Amaana, @JubaExpress, Hodan Global, and Qaran. The majority of these have been transformed into banks.
Lacagaha diiwaangelinta ganacsiyada (shatiyada) ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo tan Gobolka Banaadir ayaa farqi aad u weyn u dhexeeyaa, tusaale shirkadaha waxaa laga qaadi jiray xilligii @ThabitMhd lacag dhan $500, shatigana wuxuu ahaa 2 sano. 👇🏽
Wixii ka dambeeyay isbeddal ayaa ku yimid, waxaana Allaha u naxariisto @engyarisow xilligiisii laga dhigay 1 sano. Sanadkaan 2020 oo uu duqa magaalada yahay @OFilish waxaa laga qaadaa lacag dhan $1000. 👇🏽
Halka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga qiimaha ay ka qaaddo shirkadaha ganacsiga ay u dhaxeyso $300 illaa $500. Waxayna lacagtaasi ku dhacdaa Akoonka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda, halka midda gobolka ay ku xarooto akoon gaar ah oo uu maamulo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir. 👇🏽
We told people that they were all welcome to join z new system, which entails a non-territorial concept. Give up yr desk and z trappings of personal space, and we’ll give u freedom. Predictably, only half of our people have taken up z offer. Not everyone likes freedom, apparently
We have a sales manager named Rubin Agater who sits there reading the newspaper hour after hour, not even making a pretence of looking busy. I’m sure this mystifies some of our visitors. Most modern managers wouldn’t tolerate it.
But when a Semco pump on an oil tanker on the other side of the world fail and millions of gallons of oil are about to spill into the sea, Rubin springs into action. He knows everything there is to know about our pumps and how to fix them. That’s when he earns his salary.
Sharma Boy haddii aadan aqoon ilmahaaga ama ilmaha walaalkaa ayaa yaqaan. Maskaxdoodana waa heystaa, maxaa yeelay luuqad ay wax ku fahmaan ayuu kula hadlaa, waxa ay jecel yihiinna waa ku soo heesaa.
On July 8, 2019, a group of 22 nations issued a letter to the UNHRC condemning China’s detention of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. 1/
Just four days later, on July 12, 2019, another group of 37 countries issued a competing letter. In this letter, it was said “the work of [UNHRC] should be conducted in an objective… non-confrontational and non-politicized matter. 2/
This Second Letter praised China for remarkable achievements in “protecting and promoting human rights through development.” 3/
In recent years, several high-ranking #Somali women in public service have left their positions after facing — day by day — oppression, devaluation and debilitation from ignoramus men.