THREAD: Trust is going to be key to controlling the #nCoV2019#coronavirus#coronavirusoutbreak. Lots of lessons to be gleaned from our experience with vaccines and Ebola.
"Gaining trust has become difficult w/ rise of nationalist populism, which often questions science & casts doubt on expert opinions. The public cannot rely on the media to provide unbiased or accurate messages."…#nCoV2019#coronavirus#coronavirusoutbreak
"Campaigns should recruit well-trusted spokespeople such as leaders in sport/entertainment/religion. Health engagement is often most effective at community level through local leaders/teachers/religious figures."…#nCoV2019#coronavirus#coronavirusoutbreak
"those who do not trust the government—often for reasons unrelated to vaccines—sometimes extend their distrust of government to distrust of vaccines, as well as towards the people and systems that deliver them"…#nCoV2019#coronavirus#coronavirusoutbreak
Who are the bad actors? (1) people with medical credentials stoking overblown/unfounded fears (e.g. Andrew Wakefield), (2) those who see public health debates as a financial opportunity for selling something, ...…#nCoV2019#coronavirus#coronavirusoutbreak
1/ A lesser-known fact about measles is how the virus can damage the immune system, leaving someone at greater risk of other infections even after a person has recovered.
with @nateburleson @GayleKing @AdrianaDiaz on @CBSMornings
1/ RFK Jr. to lead @HHSGov US Dept of Health & Human Services
with @AdrianaDiaz & @tonydokoupil on @CBSMornings
2/ Kennedy has criticized multiple public health agencies he could now lead.
He's said the @US_FDA's "war on public health is about to end," claiming the agency suppresses anything that "advances human health & can't be patented" by pharmaceutical companies.
3/ But Kennedy's statement demonstrates a common misunderstanding about public health authorities in te US.
We are the United States of America — public health powers reside at the state level.
1/ A new report from the American Association for Cancer Research @AACR finds that excessive alcohol use is a risk factor for at least 6 cancers.
with @GayleKing @vladduthiersCBS @tonydokoupil
2/ Heavy drinking is associated with an increased risk of:
🔹head & neck cancer
🔹esophageal cancer
🔹stomach cancer
🔹liver cancer
🔹colorectal cancer
🔹breast cancer
3/ Drinking during pregnancy can also increase the risk of leukemia later in childhood.
At least 5% of cancers are attributable to alcohol.
1/ Yesterday, the @WHO declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).
This is the 2nd time in 2 years that the WHO has declared a PHEIC for mpox.
with @vladduthiersCBS on @CBSMornings
2/ There have already been more than 17K cases in Africa so far this year – more than the total for all of last year.
3/ @WHO announces a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) when there is a significant risk to global health & it requires an internationally coordinated response.
🔹helps marshal funding for a public health response
🔹pressures governments to act