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Namjοοո loses a bet and is dared to attend an anime con dressed as sailor moon, throws a very lazy cosplay with a blonde wig and a skirt a size too small because he got it cheap off ebay. He expects laughs and jeers, not the overgrown weeb with the deer eyes following him around.
He's impossible to miss - partly because of the 'Hatsune Miku is my girlfriend' shirt, partly because of his anime eyes, partly because he's standing in Namjοοո's way and gaping.
He stares at his skirt silently, and Namjoon feels self-conscious enough to spread his legs wider apart. "What are you looking at."

"Y- y-- y-" the boy stutters but doesn't utter a single worth.

Typical weebs.

"Whatever" he mutters, walking past the boy to join his friends.
The thing is that the boy keeps being. There. He catches him staring across stands, catches him peeking at him around corners. It lasts for a good hour before Namjoon grows annoyed with it and storms up to the boy, backing up against a katana stand.
The anime boy looks scared and it gives Namjoon an ego boost.

"What do you want? Why are you following me?"

"I'm not I--"

"Cut the crap, what's your deal?"

Anime boy becomes pink and looka down. He's a bit cute, kinda.

And he mumbles something so low he can't catch it.
"Come again?"

"Can- can I take a picture? Of you?"

Namjoon frowns. He knows cosplayers get asked for pictures at conventions but Namjoon couldn't be more obviously a skirt-wearing joke if he tried.

"Are you making fun of me?" He asks, annoyed. Anime boy cowers.
"No! I just-"

"I'm wearing this because of a dare. I know I look ridiculous but I won't take shits from weebs who wank it over 2D girls."

"I'm- I'm not I swear- I really just want a picture of you-"

"Oh fuck off-"

"I really love yours legs!" The boy blurts out.
Namjoon blinks. "My legs?" He said.

"Y-yes. I'm sorry you just, have the prettiest legs I've ever seen, I didn't mean to stare, I'm sorry."

"You think my legs are pretty?"

Anime boy nods. "I think you're very pretty."
Well now he feels kind of bad about looming dangerously over the boy. This is obviously one of those famed virgin weeb who doesn't know how to act when he sees real naked legs.

"Ok um. Thank you?"

The boy relaxes when he takes a step back to give him breathing room.
He gives him a short, shy smile, front teeth peeking out and alright, Hatsune Miku's shirt aside the boy is super cute.

"Can I?" He asks, hopeful.

"Can you what?"

"Take uh. Take pictures of you?"

The obvioud answer to that is 'lol no' yet what Namjoon says is 'sure why not'
The boy looks delighted. He wipes his camera out, ready to click away before Namjoon slows him down. "Not here. If my friends see me I'll never hear the end of it."

"Where?" The boy asks.

Namjoon looks around, glancing from stands to stands until he finds something quiet.
"Follow me," he says.

He takes them to a restoom, unashamedly blocking the door so no one would come in.


"Won't your friends look for you?"

Namjoon scoffs. "They're waiting in love for some famous mangaka fansign. They couldn't care less about me."
"Ah," the boy fiddles with his camera. "Is this really ok."

"Sure." He puts his hand on his hips. "You can take pictures but don't post them alright?"

"That's fine." Anime boy hesitates before lifting his camera, pointing it at him. Namjoon does a kissy face and the boy clicks.
Posing for the camera in the privacy of the restroom is more fun than Namjoon would have thought. He makes face, puts his fingers to his lips or twirls his hair. It's all poses he saw on TV and it'd be ridiculous of the boy wasn't so obviously into it.
Namjoon does his best. He goes for the cute anime girl vibe first, grinning and poking his own dimples, and he watches the way the boy almost drops his camera. He tries the sexy vibe afterward, tries pushing his pecs together, and the boy actually does drop his camera.
Typical virgin weeb, Namjoon thinks.

He keeps going. He leans against the sink, throwing his head back, stretching his legs, and it's impossible to ignore the way the boy's hands shake. Namjoon wants to tease him more.

He turns around and leans over the sink, skirt riding up.
The weeb chokes but clicks away. He makes it so easy.

Namjoon bends over further, further until he feels the skirt ride up his ass. He'd almost worn boxer briefs but now he feels thankful Yoongi made him wear actual panties because the boy all but whines.
Namjoon looks back over his shoulder, delighted. "I knew it! You're a virgin weeb."

The boy's face is fully red, stubbornly looking at a spot above Namjoon's head not to look at his ass.

"I'm not a virgin why--"

"Then why are you hard right now."
The boy drops his camera, hands flying to cover his crotch. "Don't look--" he tries, then pauses. Looks at himself. "I'm not hard."

"No but you thought you were!" Namjoon says, victorious. "You are a virgin! Probably one of those weebs who cream their pants watching hentai."
"I don't-- I'm not a virgin--"

"Ok look," Namjoon turns around. "You can either argue with me that you're not a virgin even though you are or we can make out and rub one off."
The boy snaps his mouth shut. Opens it, looking conflicted. Then closes it again. "Can I eat your ass after?" He ends up asking.

"If you ask nicely," Namjoon says, but he's already feeling the urge to push that guy's face into his ass. "What's your name?"

"Hello Jungkook, I'm Namjoon. You can call me noona if you're into this stuff, which I assume you are since you're a weeb."

"I am not-"

"Hush," Namjoon stalks forward until Jungkook is backed into a wall again. "Weeb."
He doesn't protest this time, eyes wide as he looks up at him. He's starting to chub up, the outline of his dick now visible in his pants - so easy Namjoon almost feels bad


He leans down and presses their mouths together and Jungkook moans.
Chose quickly
Jungkook doesn't seem completely clueless about kissing. He mostly lets Namjoon lead the kiss, moaning and drooling a bit. He chases Namjoon every time he pulls back, small, pleased noises in the back of his throat, letting Namjoon tilt his head how he likes it.
He doesn't dare touch him, hands fisted in the fabric of his pants, vibrating with the obvious need to touch but too nervous or polite to take the initiative. It's a bit pitiful, it's a lot arousing.

"Weeb," Namjoon mutters just because he can. Jungkook squeaks in his mouth.
"Pretty weeb," he amends, tilting Jungkook's head to the side. "I waxed for this stupid cosplay you know?" And Jungkook whimpers and nods, as though he most likely doesn't know. "Want to feel it?" Jungkook whimpers and nods, lips already red from his lipstick.
Namjoon reaches down, taking one of Jungkook's hand and opening his palm. He puts it flat against his inner thigh, sighing with contentment. Jungkook's palm is wet, his fingers trembling as he presses them into his flesh, muttering 'oh my god' under his breath.
Namjoon reaches for his second hand, placing it on the back of his thigh and moving his hand up and down, letting Jungkook feels him. He pushes his hand higher, at the small of his ass and Jungkook latches onto it, squeezing his cheek with a pretty gasp.
Jungkook squeezes his thigh and ass like he's spasming. Namjoon can't help laughing, grinning wide into Jungkook's face. "You're way too easy. Is that all you need?" He glances down at the obvious tent in Jungkook's pants. "Is that all you wanted to do?"

"What else?" Namjoon goads him. "What else did you want to do?" He reaches back, guides Jungkook's hand to slide under his panties. "What else?"

"Oh no-- let me eat your ass. Please. Please, please let me- let me. I'll do whatever you want, let me do it please."
A shiver runs through Namjoon at the plea, dick twitching in his panties.

"You asked so nicely," he coos. "Come here."

He presses another kiss against Jungkook's lips and quickly turns them around so he's leaning against the wall instead of him.

"Get down, hurry."
Jungkook drops down in a second, sitting on his heel and looking up expectantly. His hands are still stuck to his thighs, gripping so tightly it feels like he's trying to blend into them.

Namjoon smiles, brushing Jungkook's hair back, petting his face a bit like he would a dog.
He traces over Jungkook's eyebrows and eyes, over his lips and nose. "You're so pretty for a weeb. Here," He turns around to face the wall, and pushes his panties under his ass, sighing happily when his dick bounce against his belly. He lifts his skirt and says. "Make it good."
He doesn't miss the intake of his breath at his back but he can't dwell on it because Jungkook is already pressing his face between his asscheeks and lapping over his hole. Namjoon puts his hand against the wall to hold himself, moaning out a soft 'fuck'.
Jungkook doesn't waste time, doesn't tease him. He licks over his hole and immediately attempts to push his tongue inside, licking insistently until he opens up enough to let him in. He's loud, suction noises and muffled moans leaving his lips as he dives into ass headfirst.
No one before has eaten his ass and sounded so painstakingly happy about it before. Jungkook's hold on his thighs shake and if he looks down he can see his boner strainig his pants, but Jungkook is a constant stream of content moan and pleased whine.
He resumes licking over his hole, wide tongue making his entire asscrack wet with saliva. He kisses at his hole as much as he licks over it, devoted but self-indulgent. His tongue barely pokes inside now that he's tasked himself with the holy mission of making out with his ass.
Namjoon reaches behind himself, grabs a handful of Jungkook's hair and presses his face deeper into his ass. He moans out loud when this pushes his tongue further inside, ignoring the yelp and subsequent moan from down below.
Jungkook obeys the silent command and twirls his tongue inside, fucking it in and out until he's clenching on his tongue and moaning.

"That's it pretty weeb that's it." He grinds his ass back into his face and Jungkook makes a high-pitched keening noise. "Like that, stay here."
He feels Jungkook's nose smushed against his crack, cheeks pressed between his asscheeks. He's gripping into Namjoon's thighs like a lifeline, almost painful in the way he holds them.

Namjoon fucks himself back on his tongue a few times, rolling his hips against his face.
He's hard, pleasing tingles running through him but Namjoon likes taking his time, and he has no intention of coming yet.

He relaxes his grip on Jungkook's hair, let him break away to gasp and pant before he willingly dives back in, drooling all over his ass.
His boner looks painful but he doesn't touch himself, only focuses on moving his tongue inside him and pleasuring him. Jungkook seems in no rush to stop and Namjoon likes being pleasured, loves how freely Jungkook whines and whimpers and moans into him.
It goes on for longer than seems reasonable considering they're monopolizing a whole restroom and they've heard several people attempt to come in already. Yet Namjoon doesn't want to stop, taking his sweet time, moving Jungkook's head this way and that for his own pleasure.
It's only when his own dick start begging for attention, leaking some drops of precum, that Namjoon releases Jungkook's head. He presses his forehead against the wall and clench down on nothing as Jungkook retracts his tongue to kiss his asshole instead.
Looking down, Jungkook is stil painfully hard, a wet patch on his pants where he must be leaking precum too.

"Fuck stop," Namjoon says, twitching away. "Stop," he repeats, grabbing a hold of his head to pull him back.

Jungkook whines, unhappy, and Namjoon catches his breath.
Jungkook, the dumb virgin that he is, keeps trying to lick him every time his hold slackens.

"How big are you?" Namjoon asks, peering over his shoulder.


"Your dick. Open your pants, show me."

Jungkook obeys the command sluggishly, face wet with spit and cheeks rosy.
He pulls down his zipper and take his dick out - average size, smaller than Namjoon. Average weeb dick, leaking precum like it's crying.

"You're so hard for me uh? Like my ass so much Jungkookie?"

"Y-yes," Jungkook says. "Yes."

"Stand up. Stand up, fuck me."
He hears Jungkook's gasp more than he sees it. His jaw is slack and his dick give an embarrassing twitch.

"Up, up," Namjoon repeats.

"I don't I- I don't have--"

Namjoon slides his hand into his top and untucks a small lube vial and a condom stuck under his tit. "Got it."
"Why do you have lube at an anime con?"

"The fact you don't is the reason why you're a virgin."

"I'm not-"

"Do you want to fuck me or not?"

Jungkook quietens down, then nods.

"Then do as I say."
More time must have passed than he thought because Jungkook's knees buckle when he stands up and blood rushes back into his legs. Namjoon hands him the condom and the lube and Jungkook fumbles with them.
It takes him several tries to rip the condom open and roll it down, and he mutters 'oh god' under his breath during the whole process. Namjoon looks back at his dirty face, lips still wet with spit, and drags him into a kiss so he can nip his bottom lip. "Hurry."
It takes him as much time to open the lube and spread some on his dick, and he ends up dropping the vial on the floor.

Weebs, Namjoon thinks. Pitiful virgins the lots of them.

He reaches back, grabs Jungkook's dick and drags it inside him.
The two of them moan, long and drawn out. Namjoon pushes his ass into it, rolling his hips to swallow all of Jungkook inside his ass, the whole lenth of him throbbing inside him. When Jungkook's hips are flush against his ass, he grabs onto Jungkook's ass and grinds back.
When he draws back Jungkook's hips kick in, chasing his heat, hips following his until they're flush against the wall.

"Oh h-hyung," Jungkook moans. "Hyung," he calls.

"You won't call me noona?"

Jungkook whimpers, hiding his face against his shoulder.
His hips keep moving on their own, fucking into Namjoon as he fucks himself back on Jungkook's dick. He still doesn't know where to put his hands so Namjoon guide him, puts one hand on his hips, wraps the other around his dick.
He moves Jungkook's hand, fucking into his fist then back onto his dick. Jungkook is perfectly obedient but he's worked up, panting hotly into his neck, slowly picking up his pace and crowding him closer to the wall.
He grows needier, more selfish once he starts focusing on his own release. His hold is tighter now, fucking him in small bursts, quiet moans punctuating his every movements. Namjoon feels hot, dress sticking to his body, orgasm building up fast.
"Come on, harder. You don't have a monster dick, you have to make me feel it."

Jungkook tries, poor weeb that he is, gripping his hips and slamming into him erratically. He's trying his best but he's chasing his own release, trying to fit all of himself inside him.
Namjoon isn't much better, moaning and moving against Jungkook, cheek pressed against the cold wall of the restroom. He doesn't need much to fall apart, only need a spark and he'll be spilling into Jungkook's fist.
He lets go of Jungkook's ass and slaps it loudly, the sound echoing in the restroom, urging him like he would rush a horse.

Jungkook yelps and presses forward, plastering against his back, small 'ahs' leaving his lips.
He scrambles to hold onto him, yanking his fist from his cock to wrap both arms around his waist. It's enough to keep Namjoon still, a surprising strength in Jungkook's arms as he holds him and starts pounding desperately into his ass, egged on by his stinging ass.
He slams home, fast and needy, leaving Namjoon to moan uselessly, dick caught between his body and the wall. Jungkook picks up pace, nonsensical, high-pitched mumbles tumbling out of his mouth as his hips slam into him once, twice-- thrice and Namjoon feels him pulsing.
Jungkook's last thrusts are strong enough to flatten Namjoon against the wall, squishing his dick into the hard, cold tiles, the right amount of pain to send searing hot pleasure through Namjoon's body. He spills against the wall, against his outfit, moaning loudly.
Jungkook slumps against him, leaning his weight on him as he catches his breath.

Namjoon lets him, giving himself a minute to catch his breath. His dick feels sore from being squished against the wall.

"Congrats on your first time with a 4D person," he huffs after a minute.
"I really- I'm really not-"

"Sure," Namjoon interrupts, patting Jungkook's arm. "Not that this isn't nice but the fansign start in like 10 minutes so I need to wash up the cum on my dress."

Jungkook seems reluctant to let him go, only releasing him when Namjoon pinches him.
Jungkook looks even messier than him, hair sticking out and lips red and smudged with red lipsticks. He tries to clean himself while Namjoon washes his skirt in the sink.

"How do I look?" Jungkook asks, worried.

"Like you got made out with my ass in the bathroom."

Namjoon snickers, pulling back from the sink when he deems himself proper enough. His lipstick is smudged too but it wasn't well applied to begin with.

He pats Jungkook's ass sympathetically, making his way out.

"See you around Jungkook, I'll be there all day."
"Wait- wait hyung."

Namjoon stops and tilts his head towards him.

"Can I- uh can I have your number?"

"My number."

"Y-yeah we could- maybe we could go on a date? After?"

Namjoon stares at Jungkook's cute face and hopeful eyes and awful Harsune Miku's shirt and, well.
"Sorry bud, you're cute but I have better things to do than take care of a weeb who watches anime all day. Here," he grabs a pen from Jungkook's bag and lays his palm flat, scribbling his number down. "Get a real job first and then we'll see about that date. See you, weeb."
One hour later, when he stands in front of Jeon Jungkook, popular mangaka and guest of honor of the convention, Namjoon is, admittedly, startled.

He clears his throat. "One could argue drawing isn't a real job-"

"I'm rich."

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