If you are a member of @LibrariesIre you can borrow ebooks and audio books through @BorrowBox using a login and you can read magazines through the @RBdigitalUK app. If you are not a member I recommend it thoroughly. #Selfisolationhelp
I say this because you may not want to borrow physical books but you may want something to read which is not Twitter. Books are amazing escapism. You can even get magazines like @newscientist magazine (which I've a regular cartoon in).
I’ve been walking to and from work since Monday and it seems like people have gotten a bit crap at physical distancing. It’s like we were given permission by our parents to have a few people over and it’s turned into a huge house party.
Meanwhile some of us have family at the other end of the country being held hostage by people doing this bit right!
It’s like being trapped in a room in the Crystal Maze and instead of getting a crystal to get you out, your team mates are all having cans while Richard Ayoade sighs loudly.
Recently we got a research paper accepted by @jhieditor about how hand soap influences the growth of CPE in sinks. Here’s a few illustrations I drew explaining the background and some results. #microbiology#science#antibioticresistance
The lack of clarity around childcare is almost panic inducing at times. Like working parents are an afterthought and having children was some luxury we indulged in. ‘Let’s have one of those babies they showed on the telly!’
And so much of the pressure falls on women. We spend much of our professional life trying to avoid mentioning children in case it makes us look like we aren’t committed to the job.
Childcare is amazing, the people who do it are wonderful and under appreciated. It helps so many of us do our jobs and keep our skills in the workforce.