Reflections on hearing an apologetics talk entitled "Has science disproved God?" 1/
Okay sorry look it's just 3/
Alright. So. 4/
"The Bible is not a science textbook." Neither is the Bible a theology textbook 5/
"There is no conflict between science and the Bible" does not mean the Bible must display scientific accuracy and that we must engage in harmonisation/concordism 6/
So first, we are yet to come to terms with the nature of the Bible. It is not God's word in a fell-from-heaven sense 7/
"We affirm science" but this surely means affirming the work of scientists, not trying to shoot down the entire theory of evolution or some such 8/
"Loving God with all your mind" will not look like more apologetics, but rather more Xns becoming scientists and going deep into their field of inquiry 9/
So second, we have yet to come to terms with the nature of science. It is not something we can have our own version of just because WE HAVE THE THEOLOGY 10/
Biblical authors evidently believed that the "book of nature" revealed globally-accessible truth, e.g. the Book of Proverbs also includes Egyptian wisdom 11/
So the question is less whether science checks out as truth, and more how and what is it teaching us about God and life in God's world? What does it look like to bring general revelation and special revelation into conversation with one another? 12/
It’s staff recruitment time again in TAFES Tanzania 🇹🇿 a local NGO for Christian leadership development among higher education students & part of @ifesworld#CampusMinistry. The new applicants are diploma and bachelor graduates in their early 20s. Thread 1/10
@ifesworld All describe themselves as born again. I have previously talked about this in terms of ownership, or as someone described it, ‘I am not under the salvation of my parents’.… 2/10
However it is more than that. ‘Born again’ is a new identity and belonging. It means adopting a stance of learning, not only in relation to God and faith and oneself, but also the wider world. ‘Everyone born of the Spirit is a leader,’ explained one. 3/10
In between the responses to #COVID19Pandemic of ‘We don’t know why…’ & ‘It’s a fallen world…’ & generalised theological points, we Xns have to be able to say something more specific: why this, why now; what is the state of play in our time? 1/
#Corona is connected with how heavily our presence weighs on the Earth. It's not simply that we have cut a bit further into the forest and encountered a pathogen from which we were previously separated by distance… 2/
…It's that through our encroachment on habitats we are destroying biodiversity, radically curtailing the complexity of life on Earth, and thus restricting habitats available to microorganisms… 3/
The attention on Scott Morrison’s #pentecostal faith hasn’t let up! Here’s how it looks to me as a practicing Xn & Xn worker #auspol 1/
I’m just an interested party blah blah blah, no great expertise here 2/
FYI I’m a Xn. UCA as a child, Lutheran high school, Anglicans, today home church in AU is Baptist, but where I live it’s AOG, & pentecostalism is also part of my wife’s research. I work for two interdenominational Xn NGOs 3/