If we learn one thing from the #Covid19 crisis, I beg you, let it be an understanding that #prostitution born of poverty can be just as coercive as when a #pimp is breathing down a woman's neck. Many women right now stuck in brothels exposed to disproportional health risks.
#Prostitution always has been exceptionally dangerous and detrimental to women's physical and mental health, because of the men who profit from the industry and make use of it. #Covid19 just makes this so obvious, even the pro lobby is acknowledging women are stuck & in danger.
We're having an overdue discussion on predatory landlords right now, as many people fear evictions during #Covid19. What is every tenants worst nightmare, is the everyday reality of many women in #prostitution: You have to be sexually availble to feed, clothe and house yourself.
Any law approach that denies the vulnerability of the majority of people in #prostitution (and from what I'm reading even comparitively better paid women are struggeling right now) is bound to fail them - especially during a crisis, but during "normal times" as well.
People who are pro #prostitution abolition need to be lazer focused on building unconditional support and exit services now as well as when you get the #NordicModel. Sex buyers won't dissappear overnight, but as they do alternatives need to be there to support women.
People who are pro #prostitution deregulation & normalization need to stop lying about it providing women with meaningful financial security and the wide-spread ability to pick and choose buyers. The #Covid19 crisis makes the desperation worse & obvious, but it's always been bad.
During "normal times" most women in #prostitution will eventually experience a decline in the number of buyers (#Covid19 just sped this up by a lot), if they're no longer the "fresh new girl", as they get older, if they get sick, etc. This is already built into the system.
Again: Any law approach that denies that #prostitution inherently carries exceptional health risks, violence from "customers" as occupational hazard, decline in income through time built into the system, will fail and abandon most in the industry. Destigmatization won't end this.
If you want to support women in German #prostitution directly:
The life of Joop Wilhelmus - an exemplary tale of many a "#sexualrevolution|ary's" extreme hatred of women and children...🧵
Joop Wilhelmus is born in 1944, son of a Communist, sent at an early age to GDR socialist fraternization camps. Begins writing in leftwing papers at 14. Noticed for his braggadocio, claims of having first had sex at 12 years of age, and attracting "hot chicks" with his politics.
Jumping on the bandwagon of the sexual revolution in the 60s he soon becomes one of the Netherlands' most notorious pornographers, founding (among others) the adult porn magazine "Chick" in 1968. His fans are proud of the fact that he is hated by "the bourgeoisie and feminists".
There's a new website educating about the largely forgotten and understudied history of Nazi military brothel networks during WWII by German feminist historian Anne S. Respondek. "The male right to sex" in full brutal force looks like this... 🧵wehrmachtsbordelle.de/2023/09/12/gla…
During their time in power the Nazi war machine established a brothel network stretching entire occupied territory. Brothels catered to (nearly) every sector of the male population incl. not just soldiers, SS, police and elites, but military allies, workers and even camp inmates.
The history is glossed over in large part because post-war Germany still maintained its hatred of prostituted/sexually exploited women while also wanting to justify its continuance of the prostitution system (openly in the West, covertly in the East).
One of Germanys biggest news magazines, Der Spiegel, headlines:
"We will be ashamed"
Deploring 20 years of failed German #prostitution policy.
Here's the story of how the law let women down, the people (often survivors) ringing the alarm & the politicians admitting the mistake
The article opens with the story of "Lena" (20), the victim of a "loverboy" pimp, a trafficker who makes their victim think they're in a loving relationship - in Lena's case a martial arts world champion. Atypical about her story is that he got sentenced to 6 years and 3 months.
Lena's story is not a singular case, the article explains. There are countless women and some men & trans people trafficked to Germany annually. Most traffickers dont have a day in court nevermind the men literally paying to rape, the latter's actions are only criminal since 2017
Every femicide in the sex trade warrants action and no country is doing enough to stop men using lethal violence against women in #prostitution. But the radio silence on the recent case of a woman murdered in a German apartment brothel, compared to the Irish case is deafening.
I don't think anyone can prove their case on what policy is better based on homicide data alone because as far as I'm aware no country is tracking murders of women in prostitution specifically. The cases and survivor reports we do have indicate lethal violence is a concern always
In any country, call it "legalization", "liberalization" or "decrim" women in #prostitution are given advice on how to not get robbed, raped, and murdered on the job from organizations that speak of #sexwork. Clearly, it remains a significant concern under all models of law.
Reading about legal experts and sexologists who work with child rapists repeatedly going "oh, if they'd just pay someone 18+ for it, it's totally fine!" and the totally fine thing is cutting someone's skin or keeping someone in a basement for a dozen men a day. I'm furious.
Women in prostitution are not sponges for rape and abuse. Not only are men very capable of raping both their stepdaughter and the barely 18-year-old woman at the brothel, a disproportionately large number of women in the sex trade are themselves child sexual abuse survivors.
Some women in the sex trade have reported that men tell them "I chose you because you look like my niece/daughter/granddaughter/student". How does that make her feel esp. considering the significant chance she is a survivor of incest/child abuse? Why are "experts" endorsing this?
Having made terrible experiences with window #prostitution in Amsterdam, the city plans to build a mega-brothel euphemistically called an "erotic center" instead. 100 women in rooms plus social and health service, security, hospitality, entertainment, education & cultural events.
In Germany, we call these places "mega brothels" and we have many of them. The biggest is the Pascha brothel in Cologne with 150 individual rooms. Such places may also include strip clubs, restaurants, spaces for concerts and business meetings. None of this has made women safe.
Not only are mega-brothels dehumanizing to the women in it, presenting them often based on "flavor" as in sorted by race or transgender status, bouncers and cameras have not made them remotely safe. The Pascha in Cologne has seen drug and human trafficking + 1 murder & 2 attempts