Suffice it to say that lockdown would begin in earnest after a week. #CoronvirusLockdown.
We need to accept the fact that the real lockdown would begin after a week. #CoronavirusLockdown
Note the size of Delhi's migrant population. It would be calamitous if @LtGovDelhi and @ArvindKejriwal do not get a grip on the situation very soon.

This is SCARY if true. @ArvindKejriwal must answer @myogiadityanath on these serious charges.…
My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar #CoronaKoHarao
My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar. #MumbaiMigrantTruthTape
My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar. #CongMigrantSham