Think Indian Government is handling covid-19 well? You are wrong.
I know two people who arrived from Spain on 20th March, only one of them was quarantined that too for a day.
(1/n) #Coronaindia
But on 8 February, the govt amended the order, allowing the export of surgical masks, gloves
(2/n) #Coronaindia
It didn't publicly issue clear standards for the design, quality & testing of Covid-19 safety gear w/o which manufacturers can't begin production
“Except for a few companies, none of our member companies have received any orders from HLL for protective equipment,”
(4/n) #Coronaindia
More information apart from this article below, I am expecting this to be a long thread as I write.
(5/n) #Coronaindia
This will cost us 20,000 crore and only 15,000 crore was allocated for healthcare to fight covid-19.
(6/n) #CoronaIndia
This stinks of crony capitalism.
(7/n) #Coronaindia
Modi chose 'false sense of superiority'over Public Health.
(8/n) #Coronaindia
(9/n) #Coronaindia
He was so self-absorbed and blinded by the camera and his need for publicity, that he had to wait till the end to announce the lockdown
(10/n) #Coronaindia
(11/n) #Coronaindia
(12/n) #Coronaindia
(13/n) #coronaupdatesindia #coronavirusinindia…
(14/n) #Coronaindia #lockdown #LockdownExtended