From conspiracy theory to health remedies, and EU inaction.
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No. 1 Coronavirus is a hoax, it does not exist
2) Coronavirus is not dangerous
3) Eating garlic prevents infection

5) Antibiotics are effective in preventing and treating the virus
6) The coronavirus is linked to 5G
7) Natural remedies exist to cure the virus
8) The virus can’t be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climate
10) Taking a hot bath prevent the disease
11) Virus can be transmitted through mosquito bites
12) Hand dryers are effective in killing the virus
13) Ultraviolet disinfection lamp kill the virus
14) Alcohol all over your body kill it
17) Africans are resistant to the virus
18) Cocaine cures the virus
19) Respirators are ineffective
20) Regularly rinsing the nose with saline help prevent infection
22) Drinking lemon with water can be used to prevent
23) Holding one's breath for 10 seconds is an effective self-test
24) Hot saunas and hair dryers can kill it
25) UV-C light, chlorine and high temperatures kill it
26) The avirus is a biological weapon deployed by China
27) Deployed by the US,
28) Deployed by China Russia with the aim of destroying the EU and NATO
29) Secret “Deep State” attempts to control population growth
30) The crisis signals the collapse of the Schengen Area
31) Europeans are in quarantine, but migrants can move freely
32) The EU and the Member States take care of different things without coordination
34) Migrants are bringing COVID-19 to Europe
36)EU is not ready to provide urgent support to its Member States – instead, they have to rely on external support
37)China is coming to rescue the EU as Brussels abandons Member States
38)The EU could impose mass vaccinations
40)EU has launched a smear campaign against Russia, accusing it of disinformation.
41)Mobile data are collected not in full respect of citizens’ privacy and data protection rights
42)The coronavirus did not break out in Wuhan, China – the US is concealing its true origin, which is in fact the US laboratories across the world
43)Historical predictions about the pandemic
44)Plagues hitting the planet………