Rahu-Ketu are always 7 Houses apart from each other in Natal Chart. Start 1 at House where Rahu sits, Ketu will be at 7th. Vice versa
जन्म कुण्डली में राहु और केतु हमेशा एक दूसरे से सातवें घर में होते हैं. जहाँ राहु हो, उसको एक गिनकर आगे सातवें भाव पर केतु बैठते हैं.
To say it in other words, Rahu-Ketu are always 180° apart from each other. Rahu-Ketu, both are shadow planets (Shadow Grahas).
राहु-केतु एक दूसरे से सदैव 180 डिग्री पर होते हैं, मतलब उनके बीच हमेशा 180° का फ़ासला रहता है. राहु और केतु, ये दोनों छाया ग्रह होते हैं.
Natural Benefics (सौम्य ग्रह) and Malefics ( क्रूर ग्रह).
Kroor Grahas: Sun, Mars, Saturn Rahu, Ketu, Waning Moon, Mercury posited with Kroor Graha.
Saumya Grahas: Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Mercury posited with a Saumya Graha.
Mercury alone is Benefic.
Some people classify Grahas as Paap and Shubh Graha, but some are against classifying Sun (सूर्य) as Paap Graha, but since Sun is King, and as a King should be strict in nature, they consider it Kroor, not Paap. Same with Saturn (शनि). Study more, make your opinion.
The very fact that number of Natural Malefics is more than no. of Benefics signifies that life is full of hardships. Kroor grahas teach lesson in harsher way, Saumya Grahas trouble less.
However, this divisions does not matter in some schools (KP, CIL etc.).
If you go by logic of KP, CIL etc. schools, any Graha can be Kroor & any can be Saumya, but in Parashar and Mundane astrology, this divisions holds prime importance. Regardless of nature, every Graha has something good to give.
You must have seen astrologers using sentences like "Ye graha is bhaav ko dekh raha hai/Is Graha ki Drishti is Bhaav ya Graha par hai".
Now, we will learn about Aspects (Drishti/दृष्टि) of Grahas.
All Grahas aspect the 7th house from them, and some Graha is posited in 7th Bhava, then the Graha aspects Graha in 7th Bhava too.
हर ग्रह सातवें भाव को देखते हैं, और यदि सातवें भाव में कोई ग्रह बैठा हो तो उस पर भी उनकी दृष्टि होती है.
आगे अवश्य पढ़ें.....
Apart from this,
Jupiter also aspects 5th and 9th Bhavas
Mars also aspects 4th and 8th Bhavas.
Saturn also aspects 3rd and 10th Bhavas.
Rahu and Ketu also have aspects like Jupiter (5th, 7th and 9th), however, some believe they don't have 7th aspect.
इसके अलावा
बृहस्पति 5वें और 9वें भावों (और वहां बैठे ग्रहों पर)
मंगल चौथे तथा आठवें भावों,
शनि तीसरे और दसवें भावों को,
राहु केतु बृहस्पति की तरह 5वें, सातवें और 9वें भावों को देखते हैं।
कुछेक मतों के अनुसार राहु-केतु की सातवें भाव पर दृष्टि नहीं होती
Motion/Speed of Grahas is of two types: Directional (Margi) and Retrograde (Vakri).
Grahas which are Directional move into Rashis in order starting from 1 (Aries) to 12 (Pisces), and Grahas which are Retrograde move backward in Zodiac Order (from 12 to 1).
ग्रहों की गति 2प्रकार की होती है: मार्गी और वक्री.
मार्गी ग्रह राशियों के क्रम में 1 (मेष) से 12 (मीन) की तरफ आगे गोचर करते हैं (बढ़ते हैं), और वक्री ग्रह राशियों के क्रम में पीछे की तरफ आते हैं.
Sun and Moon are always Directional i.e. they always transit (move) from Aries (1) to Pisces (12) in increasing order.
Rahu and Ketu are always Retrogade i.e. they always appear to be moving backward in Zodiac belt from Pisces (12) to Aries (1) in decreasing order.
सूर्य और चंद्र सदैव मार्गी रहते हैं, अर्थात, राशियों में वे मेष (1) से मीन (12) तक बढ़ते हुए क्रम में गोचर करते हैं.
राहु और केतु सदा वक्री रहते हैं, अर्थात राशियों के क्रम में वे हमेशा पीछे की तरफ़, यानि कि, मीन से मेष की तरफ चलते हुए प्रतीत होते हैं।
Any retrograde graha does not move backward, but only appears so due to relative velocity.
जब कोई ग्रह वक्री होता है, तब वह शाब्दिक अर्थ में उल्टा नहीं चलता, बल्कि उल्टा चलता हुआ प्रतीत होता है जैसा कि एक दिशा में चलती हुई गाड़ियों में सापेक्ष गति की वजह से लगता है.
If one Graha is directional in Capricorn at 2° and there it gets Retrograde, then it will start coming back towards 0° and after crossing it, it will enter the previous Rashi Sagittarius at 30° and will further move backward in it until its becomes Directional again.
Graha in Example 1.1 after becoming Directional will again start going to the end of Sagittarius at 30° and after it crosses it, it will move once again into Capricorn, the next Rashi, at 0° and will keep moving ahead until it becomes Retrograde again.
I explained that Saturn remains in one Zodiac Sign for 2.5 years. Last it entered Capricorn on 24 January 2020 and will transit in this sign till 28.04.2022. Transit for other years can be seen at this link, make sure you correctly read date.
Saturn will transit in Capricorn till 28.04.2022 from 24.01.2020. Make Kundali of any date/time in this duration. In whichever House Saturn transits, the house will be marked only 10. 10 signifies the Rashi (Sign) in which Saturn is transiting at present - Capricorn.
You can similarly search "yearwise Transit of Jupiter" to know dates when Jupiter would transit in a particular Rashi. I already explained Jupiter transits in one Sign for almost 1 year. Chart of any time/date in that year will show Jupiter under the same number.
Link shows yearwise transit of Jupiter. It shows that from 4 November 2019 - 29 March 2020, Jupiter transited in Sagittarius, so chart of any time/date in this duration will show Jupiter in house bearing 9 number only. 9 = Sagittarius (Dhanu)
Link in Example 1.6 would show Jupiter in Capricorn (Makar) (which is 10th Rashi) from 29 Mar - 29 Jun 2020. It means chart of any time in this period will show Jupiter in box marked number 10. Chart of anytime till 29.06 will show Jupiter+Saturn in box marked 10.
Similarly, we celebrate Makar Sankranti on 14 January every Yr. Earlier Transit of Sun in Capricorn (Makar) used to happen in this date, but now it happens on 15th. You can enter 13 Jan 2020 to see Sun in Sagittarius (No. 9)and 17 Jan to see it in Capricorn (No. 10)
Sun transits in 1 Rashi(Sign) for 1 month. So, for 1 month after 15 Jan, it remains in Capricorn (Rashi No. 10), thereafter in Rashi No. 11 Aquarius for 1 month, then in Pisces. Presently Sun is in Pisces, so if you make chart of today, Sun occupies box bearing 12.