First, daily new cases
• American exceptionalism. More than 20k new cases per day, each day more than the last
• Spain & Italy both seeing fewer new cases
• Japan’s outbreak continues
Live charts:…

• Globally we’ve now passed 1m confirmed cases. Almost 25% are in the US
• Fauci reckons US alone could easily pass 1m
• No signs yet of US curve flattening
All charts:…

• Again, it’s the slopes that stand out (that’s what these charts are all about)
• US still hugging that "doubling every 3 days" line. No other line that steep after 28 days
• UK steeper than Italy at same stage
All charts:…

• Michigan (Detroit, in particular) could join New York and Spanish cities as major urban epicentres
• NY has as many deaths by today as Lombardia had 8 days further in
All charts:…

• Daily deaths in Sweden & Belgium matching Spain & Italy
• German death toll still rising: low case fatality rate was misleading when most of those tested were less vulnerable to the virus
Live versions of all charts:…

If we accept that NY, London etc are heading the way of Wuhan, that means lockdown for months longer
Daily updates:…

All of these are invaluable, and we continue to incorporate your suggestions and data every day.
I’ll keep getting back to as many people as possible.
Enjoy the rest of your night, folks!