- Grim news as 786 more deaths. Total now 6,159
- Better news is growth rate slowed again. Now taking 4 days for deaths to double for first time since the outbreak began
- Despite that, we due to reach 10,000 deaths at wkend. Hugely grim

- Regional breakdown shows more than half of all deaths in England (51%) have been London/Midlands NHS Regions.
- London almost 20 deaths per 100,000 people. Midlands has 11 per 100,000. SW is the lowest – 5 deaths per 100,000. 2/

- Govt data shows capacity up 30% over 2 wks (+ more being built)
- Data also suggested wide regional variance. Isla worked out bed capacity per 100,000 people across regions. All except London below England’s overall rate of 8.6 per 100k

- Up 3,654 to 55,242
- Days it takes for confirmed cases to double has slowed to 6 days
- Patrick Vallace at presser: “We may be seeing the beginning of change in terms of the curve flattening a little bit we won’t know that for a week or so”