- So grim. 938 people died. Total deaths 7,097
- Growth rate slowed for 6 days now. Days for deaths double 4.4 days (was 2.7 on March 23 -day PM ordered lockdown)
- Sadly we still not at peak & likely to see higher numbers in coming days 1/

I noticed how NHS’s Powis urged people to go to hospital if non-Covid emergency at presser y’day
Data from Scotland (via @IslaGlaister) shows deaths from all causes in wk to April 5 60% higher than 5-yr av 2/
- 83% new deaths in England
- Balance shifting. London accounted for over a fifth of UK daily total. Wk ago it was a third
- Two trusts in Midlands reported highest number. New Nightingale hospital opens in Birm Fri. 500 beds, up to 2k capacity 3/

- Increase of 5,491 cases to 60,733
- Fourth consecutive date growth rate in confirmed cases slowed slightly. Cases now expected to double every 6.7 days
- NHS’s Powis said he was hopeful new infections were beginning to plateau 4/

- Growth in newly confirmed cases was smallest in London (up just 7%). Share of cases fallen below 30% for 1st time time (29%)
- NE & York’s (16%), SE (13%) & Eastern (12%) regions recorded the biggest percentage increases on Wednesday. 5/ ends