NB: we’ve reverted to the 7-day moving average
Daily new deaths:
• General trend in US and UK is still more deaths every day than the last
• Japan joins this chart, deaths tracking Italy
Live charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US has cut straight thought Italy’s curve; on course for highest death toll globally within ~5 days
• Australia still looking promising
• UK still parallel to Italy
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US slope softening, but due in part to the weekend reporting dip. Careful before declaring a plateau here ⚠️
• Austria’s new cases have now been falling for 10 days. They plan to ease lockdown next week 👀
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US infections still rising more steeply than in any other country this far into its outbreak
• Reported Indian infections picking up speed after slow early pace
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY seeing far higher daily deaths than those recorded in any other part of the world at any time
• London still on trend of more deaths each day than the last
• Catalonia & Madrid look to be past their peak
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY likely to have world’s highest subnational death toll within days
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Japan’s delayed outbreak continues ⚠️
• New Zealand’s early action means it may have turned the corner early 🇳🇿📉
Live versions of all charts here: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Daily covid data is extremely noisy and implies false precision
• This is why we use a rolling average. Watch for general trends. Focus on slopes, not specific daily numbers
• Read last night’s thread for more on this
Question is whether or not the region will see a second wave in cases
Follow our lockdown tracker: ft.com/content/0c1375…

All of these are invaluable, and we incorporate your suggestions and data every day.
We’ll keep getting back to as many people as possible.
Happy Wednesday night, one and all :-)
Roasted sweet potato, tomato sauce and feta (we swapped in Greek yoghurt for the feta) theguardian.com/food/2020/feb/…