here's what it might take…
Dr Fauci captures that confidence here (Jan 28)
here's a study from Washington State Nursing Home residents (A lower Ct value means a higher amount of viral RNA)…

If there are lots of asymptomatic, non-infectious, that's a Good thing! (earlier herd immunity)
Infectious= Very Bad
But if a lot of the infections were during those patients' pre-symptomatic phase, then many of infections have already occurred
More worrisome,
here's a great study that carefully measured samples from patients in the "Munich Cluster" who were exposed and followed when they had prodromal, very mild symptoms.
HT @dweglein_epi1

But there's another population to worry about- those who develop no symptoms
That doesn't seem feasible.
As a result, most of your infections will be undocumented. (86% in China, they estimate)
That's why China was able to control the spread despite the estimated high number of potentially infectious and undocumented infections.
But how to get out?
And we need to do aggressive contact tracing of those cases - quickly
Because we can "cheat up" + catch the contacts a few days before symptom onset- OR NO SX
The sample of contacts of known cases is enriched with them
That's @DrTomFrieden #BoxItIn strategy
So even with this #boxitin strategy, we need to continue pretty robust physical distancing as we slowly ease up on lockdown, AND MONITOR SUPER CLOSELY FOR RESURGENCE
(and public mask-wearing too)