Short Answer: 14th Century after Hijra.
Long Answer: Follow this Thread 👇
خیر القرون قرنی، ثم الذین یلونھم، ثم الذین یلونھم
The best century (in terms of guidance) is mine, then the one after it, then the one after it.
Hudaifa ibn al-yamān (ra) narrates:
Holy Prophet (sa) said, “When 1240 years would have passed, then after that Allah will send the Mahdi”. [an-Najmus Saqib, part 2, pg 209]
Among the Shia circles a hadith has been quoted in the book ‘Dabistane Mazahib’ pg 258 published in Lucknow that, “The sun will rise from the west when 1300 years would pass (from this day)”.
Abu Qatadah Ansari (ra) narrated that the Holy Prophet (sa) said “the signs of the emergence of #ImamMahdi will begin to manifest after ‘The 2 hundred years’”. (Ibn Maja, Kitabul Fitan)
Famous Muhaddith from South East Asia Allama Imam Ali al-Qari (rh) commenting on this hadith wrote, “it is possible that the “laam” in “al-mi’atain” (the 2 hundred years) in this hadith refers to the 200 years after the first 1 thousand years of Islam...

A famous Ahle Hadith scholar Nawāb Siddiq Hassan Khan at the end of the 13th century hijra and the beginning of 14th century hijra wrote in his book Tajumānul Qur’ān vol 3, pg 567 (published 1306 hijra) that, “1300 + few years have passed...
Shah Waliullah Muhaddath Dehlavi (rh) (d.1171 hj) wrote in his will that, “It is the desire of this Faqir that if I am alive at the time of Hadhrat Ruh Allah (as) then I be the first to extend the salām of Rasool Allah (sa). And if I do am not alive at that time...
Similarly, the reformer of 13th Islamic century Syed Ahmad Barelvi, martyr of Balakot (d. 1256 hj), one of his disciples Hadhrat Momin Dehlavi in his couplet wrote, “O Momin! if you are alive at the time of the Promised Mahdi, then you be the one to extend the salām.
Abu Qabīl Hāni bin Nādir al-Misri (rh) (d. 128 hj) known for his work on ilm al-Malāhim wa al-fitan has famously written that people have ijma’ that #ImamMahdi will be emerge after 1204 years. (Quoted in Hijaj al-kirāmah, Nawāb Siddiq Hassan Khan, published 1296 hj).

Maulānā Abul Khayr Nurul Hassan has also mentioned the same in his book Iqtirābus Sa’a (published 1301 hj (beginning of the 14th Islamic century)).
Among the Shia’ scholars, Imām Bāqar (as)’s son abu Abdullah Imām Ja’far Sādiq (as) (d. 148 hj) has stated, “#Mahdi will emerge in the year 200” (after the first 1000 years). (Quoted in Iqtirābus Sa’a by Abul Khayr Noorul Hassan)

A Wali’ullah from the 6th century hijra Nai’matullah Wali (rh) spoke of a vision which was shown to him by Allah, “After 1200 years would pass, I see many strange things would come to pass. Many tribulations would come to pass in (India) and around its corners...

Imām Abdul Wahhāb Shi’rāni (rh) (d. 976 hj) has stated that the birth of #ImamMahdi shall take place in Sha’bān 1255 hijra. (Kitāb Noorul Absār Fi Manāqib āal Bait)
Author of al-isha’at fi ashrātis Sa’a, Syed Muhammad Bin Abdur Rasool Bin Abdul Syed al-Hussaini al-Barzenji (rh) has deduced from the narrations about #ImamMahdi that he will either emerge in the 12th or the 13th century after hijra.
Sufi Abdur Rahim Garori (rh) (martyred 1192 hj) was shown by Allah that #ImamMahdi will appear in the beginning of the 13th century hijra. He penned this in a sindhi poem of his. “The span of the world is 7000 years. 5600 years have passed before the advent

Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi (rh) (d. 1239 hj) has stated that the ‘signs after 200 years’ refers to the emergence of signs after 1200 years since the hijra (of the Holy Prophet [sa])’.
Here are 9 notable Sufis (Muslim Mystics and Sages) just to name a few, from the 13th century hijra from various Muslim countries on whom Allah revealed that it is this century (13th) destined for the emergence of #ImamMahdi.
2.Hazrat Sheikh Ali Asghar al-brojardi of Iran (d. 1231 hj).
3.Hazrat Pir Sahib of Kotha Sharif, Sarhad (d. 1294 hj).
4.Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan of Bhopal (d. 1307 hj)
5.Maulānā Abdul Ghafoor scholar of Ahle Hadith (d. 1307 hj)
7.Maulānā Syed Abdul Hayy of Ilahabad (d. 1923CE)
8.Makhdoom Shah Muhammad Hassan of Rāmpur (Sābri Chishti)
9.Syed Gulāb Shah of Ludhiāna
I got good news for you.

So, my dear fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, next time your ulema tell you that no one believed that #ImamMahdi was to appear in the 14th Islamic century, show them this thread because clearly they have been lying to you.
والسلام علی من اتبع الھدی