Human species evolved from monkey is still animal.Ignorant of being animal.My endeavour is to convert this human like animal into real HUMAN cause there is human within every one who can
ShareWork,Duties, Responsibilities,AndWhat EverCreatedWithJoint Efforts
DoWeCare when when we transplant heart, kidney for Cast,Creed,Nationality, Religions, Rich,Poor?ThenWhyThese differences?DoesThisNotProve BankruptcyOfYourHuman Brain?
See I stated organisms human is an organism of compound C-H-N we are in every particle of it.We are same in different Organisms
Present organism at your disposal living at higher level of comfort.Exploiting some others like you
AndSoManyWhiteCollared. ThisIsTheInferenceDrawn FromImportantThoughtOf BhagwatgeetaAndMyKnowledgeOfLatestLifeScience
SuperhumanSpeciesOrganismsAtOurDisposals IfNot
OurFuturePlightWillBe In
WildlifeOrganismsFor 5BillonYearsNowYouHave toChoose