Philosophy is fine to talk about and to listen for timepass.Many like BramhaKumari,Osho,Have BeenMakingTremendous BusinessOutOf Philosophy WatageOfMoney Manpower,InvitationTo InflationAndAddingWoesTo Poverty.
Poverty is Blot to HUMANITY
You're educated people conversant with latest knowledge of science and technology.HadThereBeen
After640million years We appeared inTiny particles of CompoundsOfC-H-N{!} (please note my language)
we got this humanSpecies,OrganismAt OurDisposal.60million years passed.ThisHasSuperior Brain AndPhysique
AreWeReallyUsingIt's Superiority
After Human Race was Civilized.Was Led by Wise Men/ऋषीs they never use to eat or depend on anybody's labour.Pluck out Roots,Tubbers from Jungle clean fulfill basic need i.e food.No lavish living at the cost of some one else the
Why Carbon Chemistry is called Organic Chemistry? All you know.
You see organisms dead and loving too.From middle East to West
I offeredMyOrganismAfter DeathToOne IIT'n ButHe Left India for hisFuture in USA.
NOW I wWillComeToMy OneGenomeOnenessForHUMANITY
You will have no option but to commit suicide And That is your real WORTH
That Is whyHalfKnowledgedBrahminAskedFarmers to worshipElephantHeadGod
PeopleAreThrowing2500CroreOnGaneshFestivalEveryYearThoughTheyExperienceSomeOrOtherObstcle/विघ्न.WhyCan'tTheyUtiliseThisMoneyForUpliftmentOf Poo i.e.ContructingHigh RiseBuildings InPlaceOf SlumsNoThereNoHuman.
What IsThisSystemOf ConferringDigree
Truth Is BitterCauseOur TotalSocialSystem IsOn False,Hypocrisy,
Please Don't Take This Offending.No I WillPose BeforeYouAQuestionDid God/NutureWroteOne's NameOn7/12ExtractAnd
Two more unwanted factors disturbing entire world harmony to be achieved ARE 2.Wron Nurturing for years 3. Different Circumstances person to person. And If bring about change Using Artificial intelligence. I had beenTellingMyListeners
LifeSpanOfOrganismAtYour. Disposal IsSoShortNegligibleComparedToYourFutureAndThisIs PhilosophyBecauseOfThe WrongApproachOfThe HumanAnimalThisSpecies LikelyToFaceEarlyExtinction So Is YorFuturePlite.What WealthYouAmassed
NowIt isOurJoint ResponsibilityToCurb Spreading
All Old Religions Are Fake
Meaning Of ISLAM is Peace and ToleranceNowBeing SpreadAtVeryHighPace on Terrorism
11/n instead of into moto
12/n instead of hire higher
Instead of tuber rubber And such