I'm ready for us to draft a new Declaration of Independence to succeed from Trump & the GOP
They're the tyrants we need to break from
They get #Jesusland
No revolution, a simple break
Blue States succeed together
Run by a Governors Council co-lead by Cuomo & Newsom
Here's the map👇
We're already taking care of ourselves
Now we wouldn't have the Federal Govt impede us or steal our PPE
We won't pay Federal Taxes to Jesusland, instead they'll go to OUR States
We''ll pass new laws to add to OUR Constitution
First new law
👉Freedom of Press still exists but it's illegal to deliberately broadcast misinformation for political gain. That means Fox is outlawed😏
👉Protect Roe vs Wade
👉Sensible Gun Laws
👉Corporates pay Taxes
👉Audited Paper Ballots
👉A new Post Office
👉No more Citizens United
👉New criteria for Judges to be objective (Constitution vs Politics)
👉Hate crime & ERA legislation (no racism!!)
We enact DPA & immediately produce PPE & Testing
Governors Council manages re-opening
And in 18 months after a vaccine is safely disseminated we hold a Democratic PAPER BALLOT vote to see if we wanna reunite w/ Jesusland (I suspect we won't)
I don't know the name of my dream country -United BLUE States?🤔
A non-violent, simple succession to create a temporary new Country
In JesusLand they keep Trump, Mitch, Lindsey & Gaetz
We keep Schiff, Pelosi et al but no Prez, just a Governors Council