- Officially HALTING WHO funding until US can investigate why WHO helped China cover up Coronavirus Outbreak
- Trump ignored WHO and banned China travel; a decision that saved American lives - Border Control saves lives.

- Inability of WHO to obtain Coronavirus samples from China is testament to their suspicious allegiances.
- Had WHO done its job the outbreak could have been contained at its source in China.
- Instead WHO took all China statements at face value, pushed misinfo.
- US will find other ways to cooperate with other countries on the worldwide health front.
- US to redirect aid to more effective groups/health partners unless WHO reforms itself.
- No hospital in the US has had to turn away patients for lack of ventilators.
- FDA authorized first test to use saliva from patients to test for CV
- Next Phase: Restore Nation’s Economy
- Markets have confidence the administration is moving in the right direction and managing the war on CV well
- Plans to reopen soon to be unveiled