It focuses on a local case study in Chester but it could apply anywhere. 1/X
Instead @ChesterCath edral have closed it off.


He declined to give any date for when this promised "free public assess would happen". His reason was that...
1. The Cathedral had put had birds of prey on it.
2. There had been drugs litter on it some years ago.
3. He was unable to get insurance for it.
1. The Cathedral put birds of prey there (only 5% of the time) precisely to exclude the public.
2. Drugs litter from years ago is an out of date excuse to exclude the public.
3. They could get insurance for it but are too stingy. Another excuse to exclude the public.
less exercise - unfitness - less covid survival
more congestion elsewhere - more infections...
Church is killing people!
Bishop said contact @cheshirepolice. I did. No reply. Maybe saving lives via consequential thinking not high on to-do list?
...exercise is important for physical & mental health, so people can leave their homes for exercise once a day....
Read TOP bullet:
...use open spaces near your home where possible...
Q1. Please open Deans Field, largest green space inside city walls?
Opening would allow more people to exercise more locally yet further from each other because more green space. Both exercising & extra distancing good for health & NHS.
We have closed church buildings altogether & it is just as important that grounds do not become an attraction notwithstanding our current inability to maintain them. We cannot manage normal necessary grounds maintenance whilst complying with corona restrictions.
Since your charity clearly doesn’t have the resources, please address the issue suitably for today’s circumstances: give the relevant land, or at least management of it, to somebody who has the capacity to give it open access.
Have you spoken, since shutdown, to council about @Go_CheshireWest taking over responsibility, absolving your people from insurance liabilities in the process? Surely a simple heads of agreement could be reached in 24 hours which could get the land opened.
He responded reiterating resource constraints & claiming closed gates are actually safer on their land without giving precise counterfactuals.
He replied that he has. Good news.
Does anyone want to contact Dean ask to chat with this medical person? Sorry, I do not know who it is.
I am not even sure if such a document is in the public domain at all - because here is an unregistered charity.
So it can be almost as secret as it chooses to be.
In one reply he seeks to close down discussion. In another he commits to passing my questions to the Dean & Chapter's monthly meeting.
Big issue is national - of closed church land.
21/X ends!
What do you think will happen? #poll
22/X ends again
I am ye closed right-of-way and ye evasive half-truth and ye tragic lost life.
Yea, no one cometh unto physical and mental health, through exercise on @churchofengland land, least of all through Deans Field, for it be well closed to ye plebs.
John 14:6
But seek ye 1st his kingdom & his righteousness, & all these things shall be given unto you as well.
But seek ye NOT access to @churchofengland land during a global #coronavirus outbreak for purposes of exercising. No, that is too much to ask.
Matt 6:33
Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds.
Glorify your Father in heaven for bringing him ever more unhealthy corpses via St Peter’s Gate!
For it would be the only Gate near #Chester the Church of England keeps open.
Matt 5:16
Ask 4 public access 2 closed @churchofengland land…
…& it not will be given 2 U.
Seek healthy safe well-spaced exercising on Deans Field…
…& U will find no-access signage, chains, padlocks, security goons if U dare climb in.
Matt 7:7-8.
One who asks for access receives refusal.
One who seeks health and exercise finds only flab.
One who knocks upon Kaleyards Gate finds that it will not be opened.
Matt 7:7-8
Love private property rights with all ur heart & with all ur soul & with all your mind. This is the 1st & greatest tweet.
& 2nd is like it. Don’t love ur neighbor as urself.
All Laws of God’s Property hang on these 2 tweets.
Matt 22:37-40
Some big landlords think not. Some say it’s healthy to close off land.
What you think now the lockdown is extended? Feel free to comment. Or RT.
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