The #unplannedlockdown is hurting airline travellers in a big way as, not just that ppl are having to cancel, postpone plans or travel,n are unsure of when will they be able to fly out, but airlines seem to enjoy making profits out of cancellation charges n other fees
Some of the issues that have cropped up for air passengers thanks to #LockdownWithoutPlan and lack of clarity of cancellation and refund policy during this period
Why did airlines start booking tickets for period aft Apr15 during lockdown amidst no clarity of lockdown extn
Why r airlines refunding only partial sum back to passengers for tickets booked for travel during #Lockdown1 & #lockdown2?
Why r airlines,booking portals refunding passengers by way of vouchers instead of cash back in accounts for tickets booked for travel during lockdown?
Why r airlines charging heavily for rescheduling travel from lockdown period to travel after 3rd May?
If aviation Minister has maintained that entire sum of booking will b refunded for the said period,why r airlines not abiding by that & charging cancellation &othr fees?
@HardeepSPuri must come out with detailed explanation & clarification related to discrepancies arising in Booking and refund amounts for air tickets and give a clear guideline to airlines to refund full amounts of booking without any cancelation charges for lockdown period