Is this changing pattern of climate threatening 👀 kidney health❓
Let's find out why this global rise in temp concerns nephrologists so much❓
💥Tweetorial alert 💥
#NephMadness #NephTweetorial #NSMC

💥⬆️ Incidence of heat exhaustion and stroke"
💥⬆️30 % Hospital admission due to kidney impairment
💥⬆️10% Mortality

⭐️ECF depletion → ⬇️GFR
⭐️Hypovolemia and Hyperosmolarity → ⬆️fructokinase (polyol pathway activation)
⭐️⬆️Uric acid

☄️Dialysis requirement (10–30%)
☄️ Progression to CKD (chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis)
1⃣ Urinary tract infections
2⃣ ↑Temp also brings the ⬆️ risk of kidney stone formation (up to 30% ↑)
As a result of
☀️↓Urine volume
☀️↑ Urinary supersaturation with calcium and uric acid crystals…

So, nephrologists must acknowledge climatic change and be prepared…

Excellent blog by @amyaimei