Ever wondered
What do they do to electrolytes❓
Why r these diuretics not associated with electrolyte depletion❓
Let's dive deeper🔓
#medtwitter #NephMadness #SGLT2iRegion

👀Notice anything odd?
⚡️Possible mechanism: Due to the redistribution of Na from intracellular to extracellular spaces.

⭐️Patients taking concomitant medications associated with ↑ K level (k sparing diuretics/ RAAS blockers )
⭐️↑ S Po4 levels - 9%
⭐️↑ FGF‐23 -19%
⭐️↑ PTH -16%
FGF23 is stimulated by ⬆️ S Po4 levels → phosphaturia and ↓ 1,25(OH)2 D and ↑ PTH to maintain the phosphate balance

⚡️Insulin regulates expression of the TRPM6 Mg2+ channel in DCT
⚡️Insulin resistance ➡️ ↓TRMP6 activity in DCT Renal Mg wasting-induced hypomagnesemia

⭐️Reduction of insulin resistance
⭐️↓ Mg excretion through TRPM6
⭐️Natriuresis /osmotic diuresis ➡️ ↓ECV ➡️ hemoconcentration ➡️Mg redistribution to ECV.
🔥Net effects of SGLT2i → ↑ Mg levels

💥According to a meta-analysis, SGLT2i ↑ S Mg levels by 0.08–0.2 mEq/ L.
Check out this fig.👇

💥SGLT2 inhibition → Glycosuria, natriuresis, and osmotic diuresis
✔️Slight ↑ serum K and Mg levels
✔️↑Pi → ↑FGF23→ ↓ 1,25(OH)2 D and ↑ PTH