Bevan tells Attlee, Labour’s budget ‘fails to apportion fairly the burdens of expenditure as between different social classes’
It marked the beginning of the Gaitskellite/Bevanite battle... 👇

The right of the party aligned the blame at Bevan’s door, in part, for his ‘Lower than Vermin’ speech…
In March 1951, a proposal was put to Cabinet to bring in charges for glasses and false teeth on prescription.
Only two ministers – Jim Griffiths and Harold Wilson – supported Bevan’s claim
‘If we don’t stand up to him, Nye would do to our party what Lloyd George had done to the Liberals’
Benn recorded ‘Nye peered anxiously at the Labour benches. Eyes going back and forth, up and down….
‘Bevan’s resignation may well bring down the government. It is too soon to say’
The loyalty of our party is superior to any exhibition of private political enterprise which may be indulged in by any person…No person can be allowed to interfere with the democratic structure of the party
‘It is wrong because it is the beginning of the destruction of the social services in which Labour has taken a special pride and which were giving Britain the moral leadership of the world’.
‘it is no use pretending that the Budget is just, merely because it gives a few shillings to old age pensioners, when rising prices immediately begin to take the few shillings away from them’
‘has to be said that he has written the Tory Party’s best phamplet yet…Nye’s attack was bitter and personal. His style was that of a ranting demagogue’.
Dalton believed that it was ‘a most vicious speech, most quotable by the Tories’
‘He almost screamed at the platform. At one point he said ‘won’t have it, I won’t have it’. And this of course was greeted with derision. You won’t have it? called other members of the party’
‘He screamed ‘I have been martyred by the platform’ – a tragic insight into his persecution-ridden mind that shocked us all’…