Welcome to the first edition of the #SRHRseries which will be happening every friday from 6pm to 7pm on @Sidinitiative 💃💃💃
Today, we shall be talking about 'Best practices for young people's sexual health during COVID19' and our speaker is @Shessograced 👏

Can you please give a brief definition of COVID 19, what is it about, how can it be transmitted and prevented? @Shessograced #SRHRseries #COVID19
Q3: How can young people access SRH Rights and Services during the pandemic while taking note of some of the challenges you mentioned earlier that the #COVID19 pandemic poses?
What advice do you have for young people to help them develop their SRH during this pandemic?
We are grateful and we look forward to having you here again soon.
Thank you.
Feel free to retweet, like and comment. You can also ask questions to our speaker @Shessograced or send us a DM @Sidinitiative
See you all next week.